We are " Paternally Affiliated With The Ecumenical Patriarchate"

My Dear Brothers and Sisters...we have come under attacks questioning our longtime "filial" relationship with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Since at least 1951 our Hierarchs and Blessed Jurisdiction have stated clearly that we are "Paternally Affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate" and it is time for us to present the facts for this claim and to put these questions to rest.
FIRST...Clergy and Faithful...must understand that we live in the United States of America where we enjoy Rights of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship and Freedom of Assembly. The right to religious freedom also includes the right to express religious beliefs, subject to the same rights and limits that apply to all forms of speech.
Freedom of Speech is a principle that supports the freedom of a religious organization to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
These Rights are guaranteed and protected by Federal Law under the Constitution of the United States. We pray that all of our Clergy, Faithful and Dependencies throughout the world enjoy the same freedoms and protection. Regardless, neither a government nor another religous organization can take these Rights from us.
SECOND...the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, modern day Istanbul, is the official home of the Ecumenical Patriarch. As Orthodox Christians, we recognize the Ecumenical Patriarch as primus inter pares - "first among equals" and His All-Holiness continues to occupy the first place of honour among all the world's Orthodox Christian Churches.
The Ecumenical Patriarch holds significant spiritual and moral authority within the Orthodox world, his role is distinct from the centralized authority seen in the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. The position remains one of symbolic leadership and unity, guiding the Orthodox Church in ecumenical relations, resolving internal conflicts, providing a moral compass for contemporary issues and working for the sacred unity of all Orthodox jurisdictions.
THIRD..."Paternally Affiliated" in the context of religion, means that someone is connected to a religious group or leader in a fatherly or guiding way, often, implying a strong sense of mentorship, spiritual guidance or belonging to a lineage [Apostolic Succssion] under that leader's authority; it signifies a close relationship with a religious figure almost like a spiritual father.
Therefore, like all other Orthodox jurisdictions, we look to the Ecumenical Patriarch as a "spiritual father" and "spiritual leader" of the Orthodox Church worldwide. Both our Blessed Jurisdiction and many of it's Hierarchs have maintained this "filial" relationship for over one hundred years.
FOURTH..our Blessed Jurisdiction has maintained its "paternal affiliation" with the Ecumenical Patriarchate since 1924, when the TOMOS of Ecumenical Patriarch GREGORIOS VII canonically established and recognized the Ukrainian Autocepahlous Orthodox Church. This "filial" relationship has continued with Ecumenical Patriarchs ATHENAGORAS, DEMETRIOS and BARTHOLOMEW l.
IN CONCLUSION, even with facts clearly stated, there are Orthodox Hierarchs and Orthodox Religious Organizations who are publicly and, many times ferociously, criticizing and questioning us...trying to take these Rights of Worship, Assembly and Speech away from us...even questioning our right to recognize the person of the Ecumenical Patriarch and his right to recognize or communicate with us!
These horrible and vicious acts of discrimination...and trying their utmost to take away our Clergy and Faithful's right to practice freely our Orthodox Faith as part of the canonically established and historic Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church...are happening! And, not just in the United States; we see similar unlawful and deplorable activities going on in Italy and elsewhere!
Brethren, we must fight, speak out and continue to HOLD FAST and STAND FIRM in the Orthodox Faith, given to us from Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Apostles, and in the Sacred Traditions that we hold and profess so dearly; we must continue to live and strongly witness the compassion, forgiveness and the AGAPE unconditional love of Jesus Christ toward all who love us...and most especially, to those who hate us.
Our Paternal Love and Prayers for each of you...
Most Unworthy Servant of the Lord
SADLY, HAVE YOU SEEN THIS LETTER?...it was left at my residence front door by FedEx...it was posted on Facebook and appeared all over the Internet...and, it was "anonymously" sent to various Hierarchs, Clergy and members of the Faithful!
The letter authors CONFUSION, DISCORD and constitutes a RUSH TO JUDGEMENT...
The letter authors CONFUSION, DISCORD and constitutes a RUSH TO JUDGEMENT...
November 26, 2024
I am the general counsel of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, the Exarch to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and in that capacity we have been asked to demand on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate that the Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the USA (the "UAOC") and its representatives immediately cease and desist from referring to the UAOC as a canonical Orthodox Church that is affiliated in any manner with the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Such representations are false and damaging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
It has come to the attention of the Ecumenical Patriarchate that UAOC Church has been representing itself as a canonical Orthodox Church affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, including specific claims on the UAOC website and in publicly distributed materials. Notably, UAOC published on its website a September 24, 2024, letter purportedly from His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, which allegedly bestows a "Paternal Apostolic Blessing" upon the Hierarchs of UAOC. Based upon our information, it apears that this letter may also have been separately circulated by UAOC representatives. We have been advised by the Ecumenical Patriarchate that this letter is not legitimate and that His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Batholomew has neither issued or authorized such a document.
Such representations by UAOC are inaccurate, unauthorized, and materially misleading bo the faithful, the public, and any parties who may seek to associate with OCA-UAOC Church based on these false claims. They also constitute a violation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate's rights and an affront to its longstanding canonical authoritty.
November 26, 2024
I am the general counsel of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, the Exarch to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and in that capacity we have been asked to demand on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate that the Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the USA (the "UAOC") and its representatives immediately cease and desist from referring to the UAOC as a canonical Orthodox Church that is affiliated in any manner with the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Such representations are false and damaging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
It has come to the attention of the Ecumenical Patriarchate that UAOC Church has been representing itself as a canonical Orthodox Church affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, including specific claims on the UAOC website and in publicly distributed materials. Notably, UAOC published on its website a September 24, 2024, letter purportedly from His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, which allegedly bestows a "Paternal Apostolic Blessing" upon the Hierarchs of UAOC. Based upon our information, it apears that this letter may also have been separately circulated by UAOC representatives. We have been advised by the Ecumenical Patriarchate that this letter is not legitimate and that His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Batholomew has neither issued or authorized such a document.
Such representations by UAOC are inaccurate, unauthorized, and materially misleading bo the faithful, the public, and any parties who may seek to associate with OCA-UAOC Church based on these false claims. They also constitute a violation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate's rights and an affront to its longstanding canonical authoritty.
Accordingly, on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, we hereby demand that UAOC:
1) Immediately remove all versions of the September 24, 2024 letter and any reference to UAOC's alleged affiliation with, recognition by, or canonical status under the Ecumenical Patriarchate from all online platforms, printed materials, and communications, including but not limited to your website, social media, and any publications and outreach materials. Cease distributing in any manner the September 24, 2024 letter.
2) Cease any and all representations that suggest or imply any affiliation, approval or canonical recognition of UAOC by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, directly or indirectly, through any current or future communication.
3) Issue a public retraction of all prior statements suggesting affiliation with the Ecumenical Patriarchate and clarigy that UAOC does not have canonical statusunder the ecclesiastical jurisdiciton of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Please respond to this letter confirming that you have taken the requested actions. The Ecumenical Patriarchate reserves the right to pursue all available legal remedies to protect its rights, reputation and ecclesiastical authority, including but not limited to, civil action for injunctive relief and damages. We look forward to hearing from you.
George A. Tsougarakis
General Counsel of the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
1) Immediately remove all versions of the September 24, 2024 letter and any reference to UAOC's alleged affiliation with, recognition by, or canonical status under the Ecumenical Patriarchate from all online platforms, printed materials, and communications, including but not limited to your website, social media, and any publications and outreach materials. Cease distributing in any manner the September 24, 2024 letter.
2) Cease any and all representations that suggest or imply any affiliation, approval or canonical recognition of UAOC by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, directly or indirectly, through any current or future communication.
3) Issue a public retraction of all prior statements suggesting affiliation with the Ecumenical Patriarchate and clarigy that UAOC does not have canonical statusunder the ecclesiastical jurisdiciton of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Please respond to this letter confirming that you have taken the requested actions. The Ecumenical Patriarchate reserves the right to pursue all available legal remedies to protect its rights, reputation and ecclesiastical authority, including but not limited to, civil action for injunctive relief and damages. We look forward to hearing from you.
George A. Tsougarakis
General Counsel of the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
to the Greek Archdiocese of America
In joint Synod with the former Exarchate of North America of the
Venerable and Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria
His Beatitude the Most Reverend Metropolitan Archbishop
Former Exarch
Although we are an independent canonical Orthodox jurisdiction, we thank His All-Holiness BARTHOLOMEOS, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch for his Blessing upon us, our hierarchs, clergy and faithful. The Ecumenical Patriarchate provided the UAOC a canonical episcopate in 1942 in Kiev from the Exarch of the Ecumenical Throne in Warsaw, himself having been consecrated by the Patriarch of Antioch and eight hierarchs of the Moscow Church, including Metropolitan St. ANTHONY Krapovitsky of Kiev.
The hierarchs of the American Orthodox Church (OCA-UAOC) were acknowledged as canonical by Archbishop MICHAEL, Exarch of the Ecumenical Throne in America. Archbishop CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge was recognized by Order of the Ecumenical Patriarch in a document signed by Archbishop ATHENAGORAS, Exarch, and his three bishops. Archbishop IAKOVOS, Exarch of the Ecumenical Throne in America recognized our canonical Ukrainian hierarchs. Some of our hierarchs served as Exarchs in the Americas of the Ancient and Venerable Patriarchates of Alexandria, and of Jerusalem.
We want to clarify that we are in no way under the jurisdiction of the current Exarch in Americas of the Ecumenical Throne, Archbishop ELPIDOPHOROS, since we are not part of the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, but are a self-governing canonical Orthodox Church as determined by the Sacred Canons and by civil law. We have been recognized as canonical by the predecessors of the current Exarch: Archbishop ATHENAGORAS (later Ecumenical Patriarch), Archbishop MICHAEL and Archbishop IAKOVOS.
All Orthodox jurisdictions here in America are not canonical as declared by Patriarch NICHOLAS VI of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. With us, THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, and perhaps it will be necessary that we resurrect the Archbishop CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge New York Civil Case and take the Archdiocese and Exarch to Court that could possibly bankrupt the Greek Archdiocese.
We have served as Exarchs of the Patriarchates of Alexandria and Jerusalem. Our hierarchs assisted in the consecration of a Serbian hierarch. We also concelebrated with Bishop JOHN Martin of the American Carpatho Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Diocese, Metropolitans MICHAEL Shaheen and PHILIP Saliba of the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate, Metropolitan JOSEPH of the Bulgarian Patriarchate and Archbishop MAKARIOS, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church, and one time President, of Cyprus among with other canonical Orthodox groups.
Our Jurisdiction has been recognized as canonical by Patriarch NICHOLAS VI of Alexandria and Archbishop MAKARIOS of Cyprus. It must also be noted that Archbishop DIONYSIOS Makrocambrakis, the last serving Exarch of the Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, before it was granted autocephaly by Patriarch NICHOLAS VI, was consecrated by three of our bishops who also consecrated us, who now heads the autocephalous former Exarchate of Alexandria in the Americas. Our OCA-UAOC Hierarchs and Jurisdiction was also recognized by His Eminence IRENEY, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All-America and Canada for the Orthodox Church in America.
We were recognized by Patriarch MYSTYSLAV I of Kiev as being in the Apostolic Succession from himself through Metropolitan HRYHORIJ, whom we succeeded, and as direct successor of Archbishop CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge and as Primate of the Exarchate of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria in the Americas.
His Beatitude +AMVROSIJ
Primate and Metropolitan Archbishop
UAOC Patriarch of Kiev-Lviv in Joint Synod
with the Autocephalous former Exarchate of the
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
In joint Synod with the former Exarchate of North America of the
Venerable and Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria
His Beatitude the Most Reverend Metropolitan Archbishop
Former Exarch
Although we are an independent canonical Orthodox jurisdiction, we thank His All-Holiness BARTHOLOMEOS, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch for his Blessing upon us, our hierarchs, clergy and faithful. The Ecumenical Patriarchate provided the UAOC a canonical episcopate in 1942 in Kiev from the Exarch of the Ecumenical Throne in Warsaw, himself having been consecrated by the Patriarch of Antioch and eight hierarchs of the Moscow Church, including Metropolitan St. ANTHONY Krapovitsky of Kiev.
The hierarchs of the American Orthodox Church (OCA-UAOC) were acknowledged as canonical by Archbishop MICHAEL, Exarch of the Ecumenical Throne in America. Archbishop CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge was recognized by Order of the Ecumenical Patriarch in a document signed by Archbishop ATHENAGORAS, Exarch, and his three bishops. Archbishop IAKOVOS, Exarch of the Ecumenical Throne in America recognized our canonical Ukrainian hierarchs. Some of our hierarchs served as Exarchs in the Americas of the Ancient and Venerable Patriarchates of Alexandria, and of Jerusalem.
We want to clarify that we are in no way under the jurisdiction of the current Exarch in Americas of the Ecumenical Throne, Archbishop ELPIDOPHOROS, since we are not part of the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, but are a self-governing canonical Orthodox Church as determined by the Sacred Canons and by civil law. We have been recognized as canonical by the predecessors of the current Exarch: Archbishop ATHENAGORAS (later Ecumenical Patriarch), Archbishop MICHAEL and Archbishop IAKOVOS.
All Orthodox jurisdictions here in America are not canonical as declared by Patriarch NICHOLAS VI of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. With us, THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, and perhaps it will be necessary that we resurrect the Archbishop CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge New York Civil Case and take the Archdiocese and Exarch to Court that could possibly bankrupt the Greek Archdiocese.
We have served as Exarchs of the Patriarchates of Alexandria and Jerusalem. Our hierarchs assisted in the consecration of a Serbian hierarch. We also concelebrated with Bishop JOHN Martin of the American Carpatho Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Diocese, Metropolitans MICHAEL Shaheen and PHILIP Saliba of the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate, Metropolitan JOSEPH of the Bulgarian Patriarchate and Archbishop MAKARIOS, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church, and one time President, of Cyprus among with other canonical Orthodox groups.
Our Jurisdiction has been recognized as canonical by Patriarch NICHOLAS VI of Alexandria and Archbishop MAKARIOS of Cyprus. It must also be noted that Archbishop DIONYSIOS Makrocambrakis, the last serving Exarch of the Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, before it was granted autocephaly by Patriarch NICHOLAS VI, was consecrated by three of our bishops who also consecrated us, who now heads the autocephalous former Exarchate of Alexandria in the Americas. Our OCA-UAOC Hierarchs and Jurisdiction was also recognized by His Eminence IRENEY, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All-America and Canada for the Orthodox Church in America.
We were recognized by Patriarch MYSTYSLAV I of Kiev as being in the Apostolic Succession from himself through Metropolitan HRYHORIJ, whom we succeeded, and as direct successor of Archbishop CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge and as Primate of the Exarchate of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria in the Americas.
His Beatitude +AMVROSIJ
Primate and Metropolitan Archbishop
UAOC Patriarch of Kiev-Lviv in Joint Synod
with the Autocephalous former Exarchate of the
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
His All-Holiness BARTHOLOMEW was kind enough to send the following personal emails to confirm what we are saying. We were also given permission to reprint the text of each email so that Google Translation may be used to read them.
As Ecumenical Patriarch, I can confirm the "filial" relationship that the Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church has with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Beginning in 1924 with the TOMOS issued by our predeccessor GREGORIOS VIl, that canonically erected the UAOC, to the affirmation in 1944 by ATHENAGORAS, that the Orders, Sacraments and Apostolic Succession were valid, to our recognition in 2018, confirming the validity and canonicity of the UAOC and our current recognition in 2024 of this Blessed OCA-UAOC Jurisdiciton with His Eminence Vladyka Michael as Primate.
Documents to substantiate these claims are retained in the Juridictions's Archives and published on the website of the OCA-UAOC to confirm the Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church is "Paternally Affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate" and has been, now in 2025, for over one hundred years!
Emphatically, I personally met his Eminence Vladyka MICHAEL in 1997 when he was invited to participate in a Patriarchal Vesper Service at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Church of Christ is one whole united heart and soul All forms of rifling must be ended. Love one another. There is no greater power fo unity and peace.
In the Holy Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I bring to you our paternal and Patriarchal blessings from the Mother Church of Constantinople, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Apostolic Throne of the First-Called Andrew.
+++ BARTHOLOMEW 1st, Given at Phanar, Istanbul
Turkey, January 02, 2025
As Ecumenical Patriarch, I can confirm the "filial" relationship that the Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church has with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Beginning in 1924 with the TOMOS issued by our predeccessor GREGORIOS VIl, that canonically erected the UAOC, to the affirmation in 1944 by ATHENAGORAS, that the Orders, Sacraments and Apostolic Succession were valid, to our recognition in 2018, confirming the validity and canonicity of the UAOC and our current recognition in 2024 of this Blessed OCA-UAOC Jurisdiciton with His Eminence Vladyka Michael as Primate.
Documents to substantiate these claims are retained in the Juridictions's Archives and published on the website of the OCA-UAOC to confirm the Orthodox Church of America - Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church is "Paternally Affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate" and has been, now in 2025, for over one hundred years!
Emphatically, I personally met his Eminence Vladyka MICHAEL in 1997 when he was invited to participate in a Patriarchal Vesper Service at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Church of Christ is one whole united heart and soul All forms of rifling must be ended. Love one another. There is no greater power fo unity and peace.
In the Holy Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I bring to you our paternal and Patriarchal blessings from the Mother Church of Constantinople, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Apostolic Throne of the First-Called Andrew.
+++ BARTHOLOMEW 1st, Given at Phanar, Istanbul
Turkey, January 02, 2025

I write to confirm that since Early September His Eminence has been working directly with me and for my private Orphanage Proect in Africa.
I granted unto him the title, right, privlege and position of my Personal Liaison and authorized him to represent me with Church Representatives of both Orthodox and other Denominations and down to the government parastatals, officials and laity to solicit various donations for my Orphanage Complex Project.
Furthermore, I have authorized the office to present personal APOSTOLIC BLESSINGS to various Clergy and Faithful for recognition of Spiritual Endeavors and in appreciation for many donations given to support the said project.
Every personal Blessing and it's text were authorized by myself whenever I am away from Phanar thereby giving him the leverages as Personal LIaison, to use my official templates provided...and, upon my approval and authorization of all textes with my signature...I did forward all APOSTOLIC BLESSINGS from my personal email address to that of my Personal Liaison at the Orthodox Church of America - UAOC...so that Vladyka MICHAEL could present cuertain Blessings that I personally bestowed and those others that were sent our directly from my email.
Therefore all correspondence and work for our Orphanage Project done by Vlakyka MICHAEL, as my Personal Liaison, has been authorized by me, the Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW l with my full permission and approval blessing.
Best Regards,
+++Bartholomew 1st, Ecumenical Patriarch of
Constantinople-New Rome and Leader of the
Eastern Orthodox Churches Worldwide, sent from
Phanar on January 1st, 2025
I write to confirm that since Early September His Eminence has been working directly with me and for my private Orphanage Proect in Africa.
I granted unto him the title, right, privlege and position of my Personal Liaison and authorized him to represent me with Church Representatives of both Orthodox and other Denominations and down to the government parastatals, officials and laity to solicit various donations for my Orphanage Complex Project.
Furthermore, I have authorized the office to present personal APOSTOLIC BLESSINGS to various Clergy and Faithful for recognition of Spiritual Endeavors and in appreciation for many donations given to support the said project.
Every personal Blessing and it's text were authorized by myself whenever I am away from Phanar thereby giving him the leverages as Personal LIaison, to use my official templates provided...and, upon my approval and authorization of all textes with my signature...I did forward all APOSTOLIC BLESSINGS from my personal email address to that of my Personal Liaison at the Orthodox Church of America - UAOC...so that Vladyka MICHAEL could present cuertain Blessings that I personally bestowed and those others that were sent our directly from my email.
Therefore all correspondence and work for our Orphanage Project done by Vlakyka MICHAEL, as my Personal Liaison, has been authorized by me, the Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW l with my full permission and approval blessing.
Best Regards,
+++Bartholomew 1st, Ecumenical Patriarch of
Constantinople-New Rome and Leader of the
Eastern Orthodox Churches Worldwide, sent from
Phanar on January 1st, 2025
ADDITIONALLY, OUR HIERARCHS IN ITALY...they are given similar damaging treatment by the Greek Exarch there, where they are able to influence the General Public by using text to promote the erroneous old adage "if you're not Greek then you're not Orthodox!"
Sadly, it must also be noted, that because Citizens, Churches and Religious Organizations DO NOT HAVE the same Federal Protections and Constitutional Rights...as we enjoy here in the United States...it gives merciless perpetrators free reign to spread the havoc and destruction they are doing.
The "Official Press Release" authors CONFUSION, DISCORD, UNTRUTHS ABOUT ORTHODOXY and constitutes a severe RUSH TO JUDGEMENT...
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Holy Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy and Exarchate of Southern Europe
Prot. N. 920/2023
The Holy Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy, belonging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, a legally recognized body with Presidential Decree of July 16, 1998 and in agreement with the Italian Republic (Law no. 126/30.07.2012), notes with deep disappointment the recurrence of a phenomenon, known in Italy in the 70s and 80s, namely the appearance of figures who call themselves Orthodox “bishops” and “priests”, but who do not belong to the Orthodox Church and are not recognized by any Official Church, and who, with their behavior, risk deceiving not only ordinary citizens who do not know Orthodoxy, but also Orthodox believers of various nationalities, who think they find in these people the Canonical Church, and unfortunately also Public and private Institutions and Italian Foundations.
In compliance with the religious freedom of every citizen, as provided for by the Constitution, it seems necessary to remember that the only canonical Orthodox Church that operates and has Parishes and Communities in Italy is the one composed of the various Orthodox Jurisdictions, part of the Orthodox Episcopal Assembly of Italy and Malta:
1) Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
2) Russian Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate
3) Serbian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate of Serbia
4) Romanian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate of Romania
5) Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate of Bulgaria
6) Orthodox Church of Georgia – Patriarchate of Georgia
Any other person or community that calls itself “Orthodox” and does not belong to the Orthodox Church does not represent any of the Official Jurisdictions in relations with State or private institutions, or Foundations or otherwise.
Given in Venice, Campo dei Greci, on November 22, 2023
+ Metropolitan Polykarpos
Orthodox Archbishop of Italy and Exarch of Southern Europe
President of the Orthodox Episcopal Assembly of Italy and Malta
To all interested bodies.
Holy Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy and Exarchate of Southern Europe
Prot. N. 920/2023
The Holy Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy, belonging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, a legally recognized body with Presidential Decree of July 16, 1998 and in agreement with the Italian Republic (Law no. 126/30.07.2012), notes with deep disappointment the recurrence of a phenomenon, known in Italy in the 70s and 80s, namely the appearance of figures who call themselves Orthodox “bishops” and “priests”, but who do not belong to the Orthodox Church and are not recognized by any Official Church, and who, with their behavior, risk deceiving not only ordinary citizens who do not know Orthodoxy, but also Orthodox believers of various nationalities, who think they find in these people the Canonical Church, and unfortunately also Public and private Institutions and Italian Foundations.
In compliance with the religious freedom of every citizen, as provided for by the Constitution, it seems necessary to remember that the only canonical Orthodox Church that operates and has Parishes and Communities in Italy is the one composed of the various Orthodox Jurisdictions, part of the Orthodox Episcopal Assembly of Italy and Malta:
1) Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
2) Russian Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate
3) Serbian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate of Serbia
4) Romanian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate of Romania
5) Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate of Bulgaria
6) Orthodox Church of Georgia – Patriarchate of Georgia
Any other person or community that calls itself “Orthodox” and does not belong to the Orthodox Church does not represent any of the Official Jurisdictions in relations with State or private institutions, or Foundations or otherwise.
Given in Venice, Campo dei Greci, on November 22, 2023
+ Metropolitan Polykarpos
Orthodox Archbishop of Italy and Exarch of Southern Europe
President of the Orthodox Episcopal Assembly of Italy and Malta
To all interested bodies.