Canonical Hierarchs of the SEC
"...reaching across Jurisdictional lines with the Unconditional Love of Christ..."
(Ecumenical Fellowship but NOT all are members of OCA-UAOC-APC)
"...reaching across Jurisdictional lines with the Unconditional Love of Christ..."
(Ecumenical Fellowship but NOT all are members of OCA-UAOC-APC)
Members of the Orthodox Church of America, Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops and our Blessed Jurisdiction - the Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia - Shall not be involved in Occultism, Esotericism, Gnosticism, Wicca, Kabbalah, Symbology, Divination, Reiki, Scientology, Yoga, Numerology, Transcendental Meditation, Theosophy, Clairvoyance, Astrology, Freemasonry, Seances or any Clandestine Activity.
Members of the Orthodox Church of America, Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops and our Blessed Jurisdiction - the Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia - Shall not be involved in Occultism, Esotericism, Gnosticism, Wicca, Kabbalah, Symbology, Divination, Reiki, Scientology, Yoga, Numerology, Transcendental Meditation, Theosophy, Clairvoyance, Astrology, Freemasonry, Seances or any Clandestine Activity.
SEC NECROLOGY...those who have fallen asleep in the Lord...
That the Lord God will establish their souls where the Just repose; the mercies of God, the Kingdom of Heaven and remission of sins...
...and establish them in Paradise; where the Choirs of the Saints, and the Just, shine like the stars of Heaven.
Any applicant must be sincere and wanting to be a part of our Blessed Jurisdiction/SEC strictly wanting to SERVE THE LORD....our support is spiritual and we include their Ministry & Clergy in our prayers and commemorations....but, we ARE PART OF "THE REMNANT CHURCH" in the Last Days....our wealth is within our common Valid Apostolic Succession and witnessing to the AUTHENTIC and GENUINE Sacred Traditions & Divine Liturgies of the EARLY CHURCH which are. "ORTHODOX in Faith" and "CATHOLIC in Communion"....our wealth is NOT found in large bank accounts, massive buildings or harsh demeaning Hierarchs who yearn to wield their "power" sitting in judgment and know nothing of the unconditional love of Christ, forgiveness or compassion!
Any applicant must be sincere and wanting to be a part of our Blessed Jurisdiction/SEC strictly wanting to SERVE THE LORD....our support is spiritual and we include their Ministry & Clergy in our prayers and commemorations....but, we ARE PART OF "THE REMNANT CHURCH" in the Last Days....our wealth is within our common Valid Apostolic Succession and witnessing to the AUTHENTIC and GENUINE Sacred Traditions & Divine Liturgies of the EARLY CHURCH which are. "ORTHODOX in Faith" and "CATHOLIC in Communion"....our wealth is NOT found in large bank accounts, massive buildings or harsh demeaning Hierarchs who yearn to wield their "power" sitting in judgment and know nothing of the unconditional love of Christ, forgiveness or compassion!
Welcome Dear Brothers...All Who Profess and Seek the "Orthodox Faith" which is "Catholic in Communion" and Comes to Us from The Apostles:
"Christ is in Our Midst! - He is and Always Shall Be!"
The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops is Pan-Orthodox -- multi-cultural, ethnically rich, Eastern & Western Rites, diversity in unity --a "BLESSED BROTHERHOOD" of God-loving Hierarchs and Jurisdictions...holding true to the Valid Apostolic Succession of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and ORTHODOX Church of Jesus Christ. We are a historic body, established in 1951...10 years before SCOBA...and, long before the present day Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops.
Since its founding in 1951, the "SEC Family" (member Hierarchs, Clergy and Jurisdictions) has been collectively known as the Orthodox Church of America because that is what we are. As Moderator, I was personally entrusted by our Blessed Founders with the sacred task to make the SEC a real, working fraternity of those who hold the Orthodox, Catholic and Apostolic tradition...with the "valid Apostolic Succession"...while maintaining mutual love, respect amongst the brethren and working beyond jurisdictional borders.
When Christ established His Church He said, "the gates of Hell would never prevail against it!" Bishops, the Successors to the Apostles, are called by their consecration to defend and uphold the Scriptural mandates as laid down by Jesus for the foundation of His Church. Jesus made it perfectly clear that, "we are either with Him or against Him" and, "by their fruits you will know them." Therefore, no Pope, no Patriarch, no Ecumenical Council, no Decree, no Ecclesiastical Mandate, no Code of Canon Law or "Rudder"...or any other individual or "sacred" action...can teach contrary to what Christ has firmly established as HIS Divine Truth! To change what Our Lord has taught for any reason is to, as St. Paul says, "pervert the Gospel!" Simply and unequivocally stated...we DO NOT accept the ordination of women into the priesthood but recognize the Order of Deaconess. We recognize the "free election" of clerical celibacy AND the ordination of married priests to the Sacred Episcopacy. We hold that Sacred Marriage is ONLY between one man and one woman, and DO NOT recognize so-called same sex unions. We believe that homosexuality and "same sex attraction" is a grave sin before the eyes of God and pray for clergy and jurisdictions who believe otherwise!
We invite those interested to join the SEC and/or this Blessed Jurisdiction who desire to "stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." For there can be NO COMPROMISE TO APOSTOLIC TEACHINGS...Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life...He IS the same yesterday, today and unto the Ages of Ages!
The SEC is part of the 350 MILLION world-wide Eastern Orthodox Church, paternally affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and will soon be observing its 70th year of continuous service to fulfill the goals of our Spiritual Fathers who went before us. The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops was born from Ukrainian Orthodoxy and exists under Canonical Protection of the Primate and Joint Synod of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States and former Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
It must also be noted, regarding the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, of which the OCA-UAOC and SEC are a part, that on November 2, 2018, the Ecumenical Patriarchate declared that it recognized the sacraments as performed by the UOC-KP (Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kyiv Patriarchate) and UAOC (Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) as valid. It was further stated from this meeting that "when there is some talk about the non-canonicity of the Holy Sacraments celebrated by the clergy of these churches, the Holy Mother Church has answered. These Sacraments and clerical actions are canonical."
We are always happy to travel and meet clergy and congregations seeking incardination into the Orthodox Church of witness the Faith, defend our Blessed Jurisdiction & the COAC Synod and preach upon the "Miracle of Damascus" and "Our Lady of Soufanieh" and share our "journey home" to the Mother Church. Whether a cathedral with thousands or domestic "house" church with one or two...Christ turns no one one, that is, who is desiring to embrace Truth and Fullness of the Orthodox Catholic Faith! All of us were "Prodigal Sons" at one time or another. No matter what past or present situations exist, the Orthodox Church of America extends her loving arms of "welcome" to all who sincerely desire her refuge and to follow Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
May Almighty God Bless you, your Congregations, Faithful and Loved Ones.
The Chancery always welcomes your inquiries and prayer requests...
"Christ is in Our Midst! - He is and Always Shall Be!"
The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops is Pan-Orthodox -- multi-cultural, ethnically rich, Eastern & Western Rites, diversity in unity --a "BLESSED BROTHERHOOD" of God-loving Hierarchs and Jurisdictions...holding true to the Valid Apostolic Succession of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and ORTHODOX Church of Jesus Christ. We are a historic body, established in 1951...10 years before SCOBA...and, long before the present day Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops.
Since its founding in 1951, the "SEC Family" (member Hierarchs, Clergy and Jurisdictions) has been collectively known as the Orthodox Church of America because that is what we are. As Moderator, I was personally entrusted by our Blessed Founders with the sacred task to make the SEC a real, working fraternity of those who hold the Orthodox, Catholic and Apostolic tradition...with the "valid Apostolic Succession"...while maintaining mutual love, respect amongst the brethren and working beyond jurisdictional borders.
When Christ established His Church He said, "the gates of Hell would never prevail against it!" Bishops, the Successors to the Apostles, are called by their consecration to defend and uphold the Scriptural mandates as laid down by Jesus for the foundation of His Church. Jesus made it perfectly clear that, "we are either with Him or against Him" and, "by their fruits you will know them." Therefore, no Pope, no Patriarch, no Ecumenical Council, no Decree, no Ecclesiastical Mandate, no Code of Canon Law or "Rudder"...or any other individual or "sacred" action...can teach contrary to what Christ has firmly established as HIS Divine Truth! To change what Our Lord has taught for any reason is to, as St. Paul says, "pervert the Gospel!" Simply and unequivocally stated...we DO NOT accept the ordination of women into the priesthood but recognize the Order of Deaconess. We recognize the "free election" of clerical celibacy AND the ordination of married priests to the Sacred Episcopacy. We hold that Sacred Marriage is ONLY between one man and one woman, and DO NOT recognize so-called same sex unions. We believe that homosexuality and "same sex attraction" is a grave sin before the eyes of God and pray for clergy and jurisdictions who believe otherwise!
We invite those interested to join the SEC and/or this Blessed Jurisdiction who desire to "stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." For there can be NO COMPROMISE TO APOSTOLIC TEACHINGS...Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life...He IS the same yesterday, today and unto the Ages of Ages!
The SEC is part of the 350 MILLION world-wide Eastern Orthodox Church, paternally affiliated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and will soon be observing its 70th year of continuous service to fulfill the goals of our Spiritual Fathers who went before us. The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops was born from Ukrainian Orthodoxy and exists under Canonical Protection of the Primate and Joint Synod of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States and former Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
It must also be noted, regarding the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, of which the OCA-UAOC and SEC are a part, that on November 2, 2018, the Ecumenical Patriarchate declared that it recognized the sacraments as performed by the UOC-KP (Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kyiv Patriarchate) and UAOC (Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) as valid. It was further stated from this meeting that "when there is some talk about the non-canonicity of the Holy Sacraments celebrated by the clergy of these churches, the Holy Mother Church has answered. These Sacraments and clerical actions are canonical."
We are always happy to travel and meet clergy and congregations seeking incardination into the Orthodox Church of witness the Faith, defend our Blessed Jurisdiction & the COAC Synod and preach upon the "Miracle of Damascus" and "Our Lady of Soufanieh" and share our "journey home" to the Mother Church. Whether a cathedral with thousands or domestic "house" church with one or two...Christ turns no one one, that is, who is desiring to embrace Truth and Fullness of the Orthodox Catholic Faith! All of us were "Prodigal Sons" at one time or another. No matter what past or present situations exist, the Orthodox Church of America extends her loving arms of "welcome" to all who sincerely desire her refuge and to follow Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
May Almighty God Bless you, your Congregations, Faithful and Loved Ones.
The Chancery always welcomes your inquiries and prayer requests...
History was always in the making...
"And the Brethren shall dwell together as One..." Deuteronony 25:5
Our Heritage and Apostolic Succession
Canonicity From the Ukraine and Constantinople
The Ecclesiastical Establishment here in the Americas
Under Canonical Protection of the Joint Synod
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in USA
and former Exarchate of Alexandrian Patriarchate
Canonicity From the Ukraine and Constantinople
The Ecclesiastical Establishment here in the Americas
Under Canonical Protection of the Joint Synod
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in USA
and former Exarchate of Alexandrian Patriarchate
Eastern Orthodoxy was established as the state religion in the Ukraine by a unique procedure. In the Tenth Century, Saint Volodymr the Great, Prince of Kiev, sent investigators abroad to study the doctrines and rituals of Islam and Judaism as well as those of Christianity. They came back to report that the Eastern Orthodox faith seemed best suited for their people. Services were described as being "heaven on earth!" Volodymr was immediately baptized and by AD 988 the entire Rus-Ukraine became Orthodox Christian.
For more than 600 years the Ukraine Church was under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. In 1686 it was placed under the supervision of the Russian Patriarch of Moscow. Ukrainian Orthodox Churches were established in the United States by immigrants prior to World War I, and their churches were under the Patriarch of Moscow until the Russian Revolution in 1917.
Metropolitan +VASILI (Lypkiwsky) and the Synod of Bishops formed the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox church; this body had received a Declaration from the Government at Kiev in 1918 as being the "official" church of all Ukrainians. Freedom abruptly ended however in 1919, when the Bolsheviks prevailed. Metropolitan +VASILI, was taken away and never heard from again; clergy escaped, because an independent church could no longer exist in the Ukraine.
For more than 600 years the Ukraine Church was under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. In 1686 it was placed under the supervision of the Russian Patriarch of Moscow. Ukrainian Orthodox Churches were established in the United States by immigrants prior to World War I, and their churches were under the Patriarch of Moscow until the Russian Revolution in 1917.
Metropolitan +VASILI (Lypkiwsky) and the Synod of Bishops formed the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox church; this body had received a Declaration from the Government at Kiev in 1918 as being the "official" church of all Ukrainians. Freedom abruptly ended however in 1919, when the Bolsheviks prevailed. Metropolitan +VASILI, was taken away and never heard from again; clergy escaped, because an independent church could no longer exist in the Ukraine.
Many National groups sought "freedom," and came to the United States with their own priests, teachers and leaders to organize their religious, cultural and economic life. Lacking their own church and hierarchy, they began attending Polish and Slovak Rite Roman Catholic Churches. In certain locations the Orthodox had to ask the Roman Catholic priests to perform sacraments. Some became associated with various Protestant denominations, others lost their faith completely.
To fulfill the urgent needs of Ukrainians in the United States, Archbishop +PALLADIOS (Rudenko) arrived in New York City to take up his responsibilities as ruling bishop; and, in 1921, he established the Holy Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church in Exile. He had escaped to Greece after the Russian Revolution.
To fulfill the urgent needs of Ukrainians in the United States, Archbishop +PALLADIOS (Rudenko) arrived in New York City to take up his responsibilities as ruling bishop; and, in 1921, he established the Holy Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church in Exile. He had escaped to Greece after the Russian Revolution.
In 1921, under the authorization of Russian Patriarch +TIKHON (Bellavin), Archbishop +AFTIMIOS (Ofiesh) was "to found and head, under synodical constitution, an independent American Orthodox Church." Likewise, in 1927 Metropolitan +PLATON (Rozhdestvensky) Bishop +EVDOKIM (Mikhailovich) and the Holy Synod of Moscow gave its consent to the "formation of a group of Orthodox bishops in North America." These organizational efforts foreshadowed the canonical erection and establishment in 1951 of the Orthodox Church of America and the Standing Episcopal Conference, which would allow hierarchs of diverse ethnic jurisdictions to unite.
Thus, it can be established, that from the very beginnings of Orthodoxy in this country, jurisdictions worked together for the perseverance of their own autocephalous bodies. Each realizing the importance of being in a free country and having the right to establish and exist without the threat they had left in the homeland. To achieve canonical clergy to serve their churches in America, bishops were called upon to consecrate and ordain even outside their ethnic boundaries.

In 1943, Orthodox Clergy attempted to form a "Federation of Orthodox Greek Catholic Jurisdictions"...leading to the eventual creations of the SEC in 1951 and SCOBA (present day Canonical Assembly) in 1960.
Archbishop +PALLADIOS came to the United States and served the Holy Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Exile.
This photograph shows him with Archbishop +IHOR (to his left) and with Bishop +BOHDAN (to his right). In the middle is Archbishop +MICHAEL of the Greek Archdiocese of North and South America and to his right is Archbishop +ANTONY of the Antiochain Orthodox Archdiocese.
Archbishop +PALLADIOS came to the United States and served the Holy Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Exile.
This photograph shows him with Archbishop +IHOR (to his left) and with Bishop +BOHDAN (to his right). In the middle is Archbishop +MICHAEL of the Greek Archdiocese of North and South America and to his right is Archbishop +ANTONY of the Antiochain Orthodox Archdiocese.
Due to an extended hospitalization, Archbishop +PALLADIOS called upon Archbishop +ATHENAGORAS (Spyrou) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America (who later became the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantiople in 1948) to ordain priests and supply canonical pastors for him. On March 20, 1932, at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, Archbishop +ATHENAGORAS ordained priest Peter Andreas Zhurawetzky and others for the Ukrainian jurisdiction.
From the SEC Archives showing our Canonical Character and recognition of our Blessed Member Hierarchs
Peter Andreas Zhurawetzky was born in the Ukraine on December 7, 1901; he studied at the Theological Seminary in Vienna, Austria, and came to the United States in 1925. He traveled for a time as a missionary for the Ukrainian Church and later served as secretary for Bishops +JOSEPH (Zuk) and +THEODOR (Shpilka). He was schoolmates with the future Archbishop +ANDREI (Kuschak), Bishop +BOHDAN (Shpylka) and the first UAOC Patriarch of Kyiv +MSTYSLAV I (Skrypnyk).
In 1940 Father Peter was transferred to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria headed by its Exarch in this Country, Metropolitan +CHRISTOPHOROS (Contogeorge), who made him a Mitred Archpriest in 1942, and called him to administer the Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Diocese of America. Bishop +CHRISTOPHER had been consecrated 10 February 1934 by Archbishop +SOPHRONIOS (Bashira) of the Greek Diocese of Los Angeles with Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) of Boston for the Greek Archdiocese and later became Exarch in America for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. (A letter from the Greek Archbishop +ATHENAGORGAS, dated March 1, 1945 on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarch, confirmed the canonical character and validity of the ecclesiastical acts of Metropolitan +CHRISTOPHER.)
In 1940 Father Peter was transferred to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria headed by its Exarch in this Country, Metropolitan +CHRISTOPHOROS (Contogeorge), who made him a Mitred Archpriest in 1942, and called him to administer the Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Diocese of America. Bishop +CHRISTOPHER had been consecrated 10 February 1934 by Archbishop +SOPHRONIOS (Bashira) of the Greek Diocese of Los Angeles with Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) of Boston for the Greek Archdiocese and later became Exarch in America for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. (A letter from the Greek Archbishop +ATHENAGORGAS, dated March 1, 1945 on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarch, confirmed the canonical character and validity of the ecclesiastical acts of Metropolitan +CHRISTOPHER.)
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) was the Exarch for the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
The Greek Archdiocese did not want the Jerusalem Patriarchate to establish parishes in this Country.
Upon the consecration of Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese denounced his Canonicity. The Archbishop took the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to the Supreme Court in New York State and after a lengthy legal battle, the Greek Archdiocese was forced to recognize the validity of his Orders and right to be a practicing Orthodox Hierarch in this Country. The document was promulgated by Archbishop +ATHENAGORAS who later became the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
The Greek Archdiocese did not want the Jerusalem Patriarchate to establish parishes in this Country.
Upon the consecration of Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese denounced his Canonicity. The Archbishop took the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to the Supreme Court in New York State and after a lengthy legal battle, the Greek Archdiocese was forced to recognize the validity of his Orders and right to be a practicing Orthodox Hierarch in this Country. The document was promulgated by Archbishop +ATHENAGORAS who later became the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
Important Canonical Documents for Apostolic Succession
Here in America, Archbishop +ATHENAGORAS recognized the canonical validity of Archbishop +PALLADIOS and his quest for a "free" Ukrainian Church in this Country; and, was personally open to the idea of cooperation with other Orthodox bodies; however, the Ecumenical Patriarch would only "officially" recognize autocephalous churches directly under the Phanar. (In 1995 a plan for "administrative unity" promoted by Greek Archbishop +IAKOVOS was squashed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate!)
From the SEC Archives...letter showing that our Archbishop +PALLADIOS (Rudenko) was a founding member of present day SCOBA
Archbishop +PALLADIOS and his clergy continued to minister among the Ukrainians in the United States. They also worked together with Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli), Archbishop +NICHOLAS (Kedroffsky), Metropolitan +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge), Archbishops +ARSENIOS (Saltas), +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich), and Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) to serve their North American missions to the Albanians, Free Russians and Orthodox under the Alexandrian Patriarchate, respectively. Historically, Albainian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES was the first hierarch to call for the creation of a unified body. This was the start of the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops…a true "Blessed Brotherhood" for all Orthodox Bishops in America.
Letter of Archbishop DAMASKINOS of the Greek Diocese of the Western and Southern States of America to Bishop PETER (Zhurawetsky) concerning the formation of the Standing Episcopal Conference, 6 November 1950.
The Standing Episcopal Conference was the first ecumenical body of Eastern Orthodox hierarchs in America and continues to exist today. It predates the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA), formed in 1960, and the present Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, formed in 2010. Unlike those latter organizations, which have a purely consultative role, the Standing Episcopal Conference was a canonical synod with plenary jurisdiction.
The Standing Episcopal Conference was the first ecumenical body of Eastern Orthodox hierarchs in America and continues to exist today. It predates the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA), formed in 1960, and the present Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, formed in 2010. Unlike those latter organizations, which have a purely consultative role, the Standing Episcopal Conference was a canonical synod with plenary jurisdiction.
Letter from the SEC Archives regarding Canonical recognition of Metropolitan +PETER (Zhrawetzky) of Thrice Blessed Memory
During World War II, another attempt to establish an autonomous church in the Ukraine was crushed and more bishops fled to the United States. Again, organizational chaos followed their arrival; another change was the movement of some Ukrainian Uniate parishes into Orthodoxy. (Uniate parishes are Eastern Rite parishes under the Pope of Rome. In their villages in the old country, their ancestors had been Orthodox Christians, but on account of the coercion of the Roman Catholic state-church relationship, they were compelled to unite with it, although they were permitted to follow the Orthodox rites in their church services. From generation to generation, however, they identified themselves as "Pravoslaavni," that is, "Orthodox!")
Faced with these new situations, a convention was held in 1949 to specifically unify the Ukrainian jurisdictions in this country. Many hierarchs and their people did not want this union and they decided to remain "free" and autonomous. Similar circumstances in other ethnic jurisdictions gave rise to the realization that the Eastern Orthodox Faith was becoming indigenous to America.
Finally, as reported in the October 14, 1950 edition of "The New York Times," hierarchs met in Springfield, Massachusetts and announced they were breaking all ties with Moscow and would henceforth function independently of Russia! Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz), who had been consecrated in 1935 at the Russian Cathedral of St. Nicholas in New York City (that had been financed by Czar Nicholas II until his death), was elected as the first Moderator of the SEC; a religious entity, erected and existing with the canonical authority and blessings of the Holy Synod of the American Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church. An autonomous "self-governing" body, inseparably joined in Faith with the Great Church of Constantinople and with every other jurisdiction of the 350 MILLION member Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Faced with these new situations, a convention was held in 1949 to specifically unify the Ukrainian jurisdictions in this country. Many hierarchs and their people did not want this union and they decided to remain "free" and autonomous. Similar circumstances in other ethnic jurisdictions gave rise to the realization that the Eastern Orthodox Faith was becoming indigenous to America.
Finally, as reported in the October 14, 1950 edition of "The New York Times," hierarchs met in Springfield, Massachusetts and announced they were breaking all ties with Moscow and would henceforth function independently of Russia! Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz), who had been consecrated in 1935 at the Russian Cathedral of St. Nicholas in New York City (that had been financed by Czar Nicholas II until his death), was elected as the first Moderator of the SEC; a religious entity, erected and existing with the canonical authority and blessings of the Holy Synod of the American Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church. An autonomous "self-governing" body, inseparably joined in Faith with the Great Church of Constantinople and with every other jurisdiction of the 350 MILLION member Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops was fully established in March of 1951, 10 years before the founding of SCOBA. Member Hierarchs and Jurisdictions of the SEC at that time included: Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America, Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas) Exarch in the United States and Canada for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, Bishop +PETER (Zhurawetzky) of the Holy Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Diocese of America which existed under the Alexandrian Patriarchate since 1940 (later to be the Presiding Bishop of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Catholic Churches in America) and Metropolitan +NICHOLAS (Bohatryretz) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) of the Alexandrian Patriarchate. The SEC also maintained Ecumenical Dialogue with Archbishop +JOSEF (Zielonka) of the Polish Old Catholic church of America and Europe.
It is crucial to note that the Standing Episcopal Conference was founded by Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs nearly 10 years before the establishment of the present day SCOBA organization and it was recognized by other Orthodox jurisdictions. Unlike SCOBA and the present day counterpart the EPISCOPAL ASSEMBLY, which are a purely consultative bodies with no canonical status, the historical SEC constitutes the Canonical Synod of Bishops and a true fellowship of the Orthodox Churches of America.
No one prophesied the reality of an integrated body of "bishops working together" more than His Beatitude +PETER II (Zhurawetzky), who dedicated the larger part of his later works to "the American Orthodox church of the future, which would unite all Orthodox groups and enable them to fulfill their evangelic mission in the Americas." His Beatitude reposed on October 19, 1994 at his residence in Vineland, New Jersey. Since that time, the SEC has been moderated by His Grace +MICHAEL (Kirkland). The SEC stands firm to work for unity between all Churches of the Valid Apostolic Succession like the example of the Ecumenical Patriarchs and the Popes of fulfill Christs prayer and mandate, "...that ALL may be ONE!"...
"...that All may be One..." the mandate of Jesus Christ!
and...if we want to throw a little wood into the fire...
...ARE WE TO BE ANY DIFFERENT AT WANTING THE UNITY THAT CHRIST DEMANDS...The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops is comprised of Hierarchs of both Eastern & Western Orthodox Rites of the valid Apostolic Succession. The SEC is under the canonical and spiritual protection of the Primate and Joint Synod of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States and former Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria...actively reaching out to "both sides of the isle" for nearly 70 years to build up the Body of Christ
Hierarchs from across the United States and Canada met to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the SEC.
His Grace +MICHAEL, Moderator of the SEC presides at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in New Albany, Ohio with Member Hierarchs.
Hierarchs from across the United States and Canada met to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the SEC.
His Grace +MICHAEL, Moderator of the SEC presides at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in New Albany, Ohio with Member Hierarchs.
In joint Synod with the former Exarchate of North America of the
Venerable and Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria
His Beatitude the Most Reverend Metropolitan Archbishop
Former Exarch
15/28 April 2024
Metropolitan +MICHAEL Kirkland,
We greet you and want to confirm that you are a Hierarch of our Joint Synod and included in the Diptychs of the canonical Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United Staes.
By being consecrated by Metropolitan +HRYHORIJ....We are in the APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION FROM St. Peter and the Patriarchate of Antioch. By +NIKOLAUS Ilnyckyj consecrating, we are in your own APOSTOLIC Succession of the Orthodox Church of America…being the true American Orthodox Church … from the original Russian Mission. By having Archbishop +NICHOLAS Pelesh...I succeed Archbishop +CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge and Archbishop +ARSENIOS Saltas. Patriarch +MSTYSLAV recognized me as successor of +HRYHORIJ and +CHRISTOPHOROS.
We served as representative in the Americas for the Patriarchate of Alexandria and for the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. We actually succeed +PETER Zhurawetsky and +NIKOLAUS Ilnyckyj who consecrated you to the Sacred Episcopacy. In us is united the Orthodox Church of America, i.e. the American Orthodox Church, which is the original Russian Mission to America AND the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. Both are recognized as canonical by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
Three of the bishops who consecrated us are the three bishops who consecrated Archbishop +DIONYSIOS Makrokambrakis, the last Exarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria in the Americas and in communion with my Synod. +DMITRI, Vicar Bishop of Patriarch +MAXIMUS V Hakim for the Melkite Greek Catholics, was one of our Consecrators in Rome, Chicago and New York and remained Secretary of the Synod of +HRYHORIJ and then of Ourself from 1976 until his death in 2010.
The Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria was granted autocephaly by Patriarch Nicholas VI. We were in that Synod and they were in communion with our UAOC Synod. See mention of that on the Internet page which you have on your website.
Being in the Apostolic Succession from St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. Mark, St. James, first bishop of Jerusalem, We, +AMBROSE, Metropolitan and Archbishop grant to you and the Faithful of the Orthodox Church of America Our Apostolic Blessing and ask your prayers for Our Humility,
+AMBROSE Metropolitan Archbishop Primate
UAOC Kiev and America and Dependencies
Senior Hierarch
In joint Synod with the former Exarchate of North America of the
Venerable and Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria
His Beatitude the Most Reverend Metropolitan Archbishop
Former Exarch
15/28 April 2024
Metropolitan +MICHAEL Kirkland,
We greet you and want to confirm that you are a Hierarch of our Joint Synod and included in the Diptychs of the canonical Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United Staes.
By being consecrated by Metropolitan +HRYHORIJ....We are in the APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION FROM St. Peter and the Patriarchate of Antioch. By +NIKOLAUS Ilnyckyj consecrating, we are in your own APOSTOLIC Succession of the Orthodox Church of America…being the true American Orthodox Church … from the original Russian Mission. By having Archbishop +NICHOLAS Pelesh...I succeed Archbishop +CHRISTOPHOROS Contogeorge and Archbishop +ARSENIOS Saltas. Patriarch +MSTYSLAV recognized me as successor of +HRYHORIJ and +CHRISTOPHOROS.
We served as representative in the Americas for the Patriarchate of Alexandria and for the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. We actually succeed +PETER Zhurawetsky and +NIKOLAUS Ilnyckyj who consecrated you to the Sacred Episcopacy. In us is united the Orthodox Church of America, i.e. the American Orthodox Church, which is the original Russian Mission to America AND the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. Both are recognized as canonical by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
Three of the bishops who consecrated us are the three bishops who consecrated Archbishop +DIONYSIOS Makrokambrakis, the last Exarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria in the Americas and in communion with my Synod. +DMITRI, Vicar Bishop of Patriarch +MAXIMUS V Hakim for the Melkite Greek Catholics, was one of our Consecrators in Rome, Chicago and New York and remained Secretary of the Synod of +HRYHORIJ and then of Ourself from 1976 until his death in 2010.
The Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria was granted autocephaly by Patriarch Nicholas VI. We were in that Synod and they were in communion with our UAOC Synod. See mention of that on the Internet page which you have on your website.
Being in the Apostolic Succession from St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. Mark, St. James, first bishop of Jerusalem, We, +AMBROSE, Metropolitan and Archbishop grant to you and the Faithful of the Orthodox Church of America Our Apostolic Blessing and ask your prayers for Our Humility,
+AMBROSE Metropolitan Archbishop Primate
UAOC Kiev and America and Dependencies
Senior Hierarch
The SEC remains a canonical and historically established Orthodox body, providing a unity of brotherhood and fellowship, especially for "non-SCOBA" jurisdictions in North America. The Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops includes members and fosters Ecumenical Dialogue throughout Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand the Philippines and throughout the globe. As witnessed in its rich and diverse spiritual history, the SEC continues to extend into Ecumenical Dialogue a warm welcome to Old Roman Catholics, Orthodox Catholics & "traditional" Roman Catholics who possess the Valid Apostolic Succession.
"Holy Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America" and "Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops" are understood to be the same entity.
Historic & Sainted Hierarchs are in our Apostolic Succession
They fought with great sacrifice for a free Church in America
This long established criteria has been crucial
for Member Hierarchs and Jurisdictions
belonging to the Standing Episcopal Conference:
1) No consideration is given to any hierarch incapable of proving a direct true Orthodox lineage of valid Apostolic Succession. "Oikonomia" may be used in certain circumstances to correct defects.
2) Men who are hierarchs in name only or jurisdictions that exist solely on paper, that do not have any kind of an active, on-going apostolate/ministry, are not considered.
3) Hierarchs known to have engaged in less than honourable secular or religious activities are totally excluded. This does not rule out the operation of true contrition, forgiveness and compassion.
4) Hierarchs known to be homosexuals or alcoholics and/or who are known to operate under conditions unacceptable to world-wide Orthodoxy are eliminated from eligibility. (Infractions or deviations from Orthodox dogma and "generalized" Orthodox tradition being the key factors.)
5) Absolute adherence to the dogmatic definitions of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils (325 AD - 787 AD) is demanded. In this, there can be no deviation whatsoever.
6) Member Hierarchs and Jurisdictions promise to remain faithful to the written and oral Traditions that have been taught (II Thess. 2:15). These include the articles of the Nicene Creed, Holy Scriptures and the decisions of the Local, Ecumenical and Pan-Orthodox Councils.
2) Men who are hierarchs in name only or jurisdictions that exist solely on paper, that do not have any kind of an active, on-going apostolate/ministry, are not considered.
3) Hierarchs known to have engaged in less than honourable secular or religious activities are totally excluded. This does not rule out the operation of true contrition, forgiveness and compassion.
4) Hierarchs known to be homosexuals or alcoholics and/or who are known to operate under conditions unacceptable to world-wide Orthodoxy are eliminated from eligibility. (Infractions or deviations from Orthodox dogma and "generalized" Orthodox tradition being the key factors.)
5) Absolute adherence to the dogmatic definitions of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils (325 AD - 787 AD) is demanded. In this, there can be no deviation whatsoever.
6) Member Hierarchs and Jurisdictions promise to remain faithful to the written and oral Traditions that have been taught (II Thess. 2:15). These include the articles of the Nicene Creed, Holy Scriptures and the decisions of the Local, Ecumenical and Pan-Orthodox Councils.
His Eminence Archbishop +IAKOVOS, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America, had great insights for Orthodoxy in the United States. His efforts included return of the Orthodox disciplines for married men being ordained to the Episcopate and Female Deaconesses.
His Eminence called for the re-establishment of the Order of Deaconess along with training programs for qualified women in the Greek Archdiocese.
His Eminence promulgated the return of allowing married priests to be Consecrated as Bishops. Interestingly enough, when the SEC requested copies of the Resolution from the Clergy-Laity Congress that was proposed to the Ecumenical was said to our Moderator, "it never existed!"
Read the report on Married Bishops in The Greek Orthodox Theological Review.
His Eminence Archbishop +IAKOVOS, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America, had great insights for Orthodoxy in the United States. His efforts included return of the Orthodox disciplines for married men being ordained to the Episcopate and Female Deaconesses.
His Eminence called for the re-establishment of the Order of Deaconess along with training programs for qualified women in the Greek Archdiocese.
His Eminence promulgated the return of allowing married priests to be Consecrated as Bishops. Interestingly enough, when the SEC requested copies of the Resolution from the Clergy-Laity Congress that was proposed to the Ecumenical was said to our Moderator, "it never existed!"
Read the report on Married Bishops in The Greek Orthodox Theological Review.
7) Ordination to the Venerable Priesthood is limited to men. Ordination to the Diaconate is open to both men and women. This follows the example of Christ, the Founder of the Church, and the tradition that was followed by the Apostles and their successors. (Sacred Rites of Ordination, as recorded in the annals The Great Church of Constantinople, show that female Deacons were ordained at the Holy Altar, assisted the Bishop and received the Holy Mysteries in the same exact fashion as did their male counterparts.)
8) The original tradition of the Early Apostolic Fathers in accepting and permitting either the married or the celibate state within all levels of the Orthodox sacerdotal life i.e. deacon, priest and bishop, is a firm practice. (The Greek Archdiocese stated in 1990 that individual churches technically have the right to introduce this change of discipline. It was formally proposed to the Ecumenical Patriarch. In 2011, the return of a married episcopate was also voiced by Metropolitan +PHILIP (Saliba) of the Antiochian Archdiocese. Since 1922 a married Episcopacy was present in the UAOC, in 1946 in Russia and later with the establishment of the Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia and the APC Synod in 2000.)
8) The original tradition of the Early Apostolic Fathers in accepting and permitting either the married or the celibate state within all levels of the Orthodox sacerdotal life i.e. deacon, priest and bishop, is a firm practice. (The Greek Archdiocese stated in 1990 that individual churches technically have the right to introduce this change of discipline. It was formally proposed to the Ecumenical Patriarch. In 2011, the return of a married episcopate was also voiced by Metropolitan +PHILIP (Saliba) of the Antiochian Archdiocese. Since 1922 a married Episcopacy was present in the UAOC, in 1946 in Russia and later with the establishment of the Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia and the APC Synod in 2000.)
9) By Hierarchical unity, the indiscriminate selection of men for ordination can be eliminated so that only qualified men are considered for any and all levels of the sacerdotal life. Candidates to be consecrated a bishop are oftentimes discussed by members of the Standing Episcopal Conference. A coordinated program for training, formation and ordination has been established to eliminate many of the abuses; and, member Jurisdictions are confidentially informed of the defections, depositions and/or withdrawals of clergy from their Jurisdictions of origin and/or current incardination. Such information includes the reasons for the action taken. This can greatly reduce a cleric's ability to jump from jurisdiction to jurisdiction without proper canonical releases, etc..
10) Respect for the legitimate Eastern and Western Liturgical Rites of Orthodoxy are spelled out in no uncertain terms. The celebration of either the Eastern or Western Rites must be in concert with their pure historical state of origin and subsequent traditional usage as prevailed for the Eastern Rite between 1054 and the present day and for the Western Rite between the years 1054 and 1870 when the Russian Orthodox Synod of St. Petersburg in 1870 authorized the Western Rite restoration to Orthodoxy...used now in the Antiochian, Russian and Ukrainian Archdioceses throughout the Orthodox world.
11) The co-mixing of different liturgical traditions cannot be tolerated.
12) Hierarchs and Jurisdicitons are "equals among equals" -- pares inter pares -- in status and dignity within the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops, without prejudice.
13) Hierarchs, most especially, are called to be a witness of Christ's truth in its fullness…with a responsibility to address theological, social and moral issues. These responsibilities are heavy; if the Church were a human organization and not the Body of Christ, they certainly could not be fulfilled…and in unity we find strength!
14) A firm belief that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church was founded by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. From time immemorial, God has done everything possible for the salvation of mankind. As we read in the Canon of the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great: "God sent salvation to men by inspiring the prophets, working through the saints, and finally by sending His Only-Begotten Son to us. This loving kindness for man is seen and experienced in the Orthodox Church."
15) A firm belief that this same Orthodox Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ; the continuation of His saving work through the power of the Holy Spirit, has been in the past and still is manifested in the present time, through the loving and noble deeds of its faithful clergy and people to all the world. Orthodox Christians, since the foundation of the Church, have been the pillar of the Christian community.
16) A firm belief that the One, True Church that Jesus Christ founded has always been and remains "Orthodox" in Faith and "Catholic" in Communion...
From the missionary efforts of our Ukrainian Archbishop +PALLADIOS to the spiritual insights of Ecumenical Patriarch +ATHENAGORAS, the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops has celebrated more than half a century of spiritual and physical growth in the Western Hemisphere. In this New Millennium our "invitation" is extended to all…who in Truth, will follow Him.
10) Respect for the legitimate Eastern and Western Liturgical Rites of Orthodoxy are spelled out in no uncertain terms. The celebration of either the Eastern or Western Rites must be in concert with their pure historical state of origin and subsequent traditional usage as prevailed for the Eastern Rite between 1054 and the present day and for the Western Rite between the years 1054 and 1870 when the Russian Orthodox Synod of St. Petersburg in 1870 authorized the Western Rite restoration to Orthodoxy...used now in the Antiochian, Russian and Ukrainian Archdioceses throughout the Orthodox world.
11) The co-mixing of different liturgical traditions cannot be tolerated.
12) Hierarchs and Jurisdicitons are "equals among equals" -- pares inter pares -- in status and dignity within the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops, without prejudice.
13) Hierarchs, most especially, are called to be a witness of Christ's truth in its fullness…with a responsibility to address theological, social and moral issues. These responsibilities are heavy; if the Church were a human organization and not the Body of Christ, they certainly could not be fulfilled…and in unity we find strength!
14) A firm belief that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church was founded by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. From time immemorial, God has done everything possible for the salvation of mankind. As we read in the Canon of the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great: "God sent salvation to men by inspiring the prophets, working through the saints, and finally by sending His Only-Begotten Son to us. This loving kindness for man is seen and experienced in the Orthodox Church."
15) A firm belief that this same Orthodox Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ; the continuation of His saving work through the power of the Holy Spirit, has been in the past and still is manifested in the present time, through the loving and noble deeds of its faithful clergy and people to all the world. Orthodox Christians, since the foundation of the Church, have been the pillar of the Christian community.
16) A firm belief that the One, True Church that Jesus Christ founded has always been and remains "Orthodox" in Faith and "Catholic" in Communion...
From the missionary efforts of our Ukrainian Archbishop +PALLADIOS to the spiritual insights of Ecumenical Patriarch +ATHENAGORAS, the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops has celebrated more than half a century of spiritual and physical growth in the Western Hemisphere. In this New Millennium our "invitation" is extended to all…who in Truth, will follow Him.
Let us Pray for the UNITY of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!
This is the ultimate goal of the SEC and its member Jurisdictions...
This is the ultimate goal of the SEC and its member Jurisdictions...
"The Year of Our Lord 2025 will again mark the Common Date Celebration
for the Resurrection of Our Lord for all Christians throughout the world!
We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the Leaders of the Church
to follow Christ's mandate...and return to the One Date of Holy Pascha!"
The Apostolic Succession of the OCA-UAOC and SEC.
An Unbroken Line From Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
As Transmitted to The Twelve and to the Present Age!
An Unbroken Line From Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
As Transmitted to The Twelve and to the Present Age!

All lines of Apostolic Succession find their common origin in one source, Jesus Christ, brought upon those who received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:4-5, 2:1-4) and upon others during the Apostolic Age.
The Patriarchates of Jerusalem, Constantinople (seat of the Ecumenical Patriarch and now called Istanbul), Alexandria, Antioch, Moscow and Rome comprise the traditional six chief centers of Christendom. All of the centers mentioned are equal in substance. With the exception of the Patriarchate of Moscow, the other five centers originated during the Apostolic Age and were founded by the Twelve.
The Apostle Peter is considered the founder of the Church of Antioch; James, the Brother of the Lord, of the Church of Jerusalem; the Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul, and Linus (II Timothy 4:21) of the Church of Rome; Mark the Evangelist of the Church of Alexandria; and, the Apostle Andrew--the "first called"-- and Stachys (Romans 16:9) of the Church of Byzantium, which was later named Constantinople in AD 330.
Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Moscow, with their autocephalous extensions and other Patriarchates, comprise the Eastern Church and Rome the Western--the latter, having accomplished the objective to recede from the mainstream of the Christian Church progressively at least since 1054, has nurtured the division of the Church. The Church of Rome was the first "protestant" church…protesting from the True Church, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church, founded by Jesus Christ.
It is very misleading to apply the name "catholic" (Greek, meaning "all embracing") to the Roman Church alone, when in reality the Catholic Church is the total Church of Jesus Christ undivided. We are CATHOLIC but not Roman Catholic!
In the Book of Revelation, St. John explains the quality, character, and evolution of the Christian Church which expressed itself seven distinct ways during its formative period. It was praised and criticized by the Lord through the Evangelist, who described it by means of the Churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea in Asia (Revelation 1:11; 2; 3).
The Patriarch of Moscow was elevated to that status in 1589 by the Patriarch of Constantinople +JEREMIAS II, and extended its jurisdiction over all of Russia where Eastern Orthodoxy arrived in AD 988 with the Baptism of the Grand Prince Volodmyr who recognized Orthodox Christianity as the official religion in Russia. In 1593, at the Great Synod in Constantinople, the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria confirmed the Patriarchate of Moscow.
In 1721 Peter the great of Russia suppressed the election of the Patriarchs of Moscow. The Russian Church was administered by the Holy Synod which was comprised of three permanent members who were the Metropolitans of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kyiv and of other bishops selected from various dioceses of Russia who participated in the sessions of the Synod. This Synod was recognized as the Patriarchate of Russia by the rest of Orthodoxy.
On May 4, 1793, permission was granted by the Empress Catherine II of Russia to the Holy Governing Synod of the Russian Church to establish an Orthodox Mission in America. The first missionaries arrived on Kodiak Island, Alaska on September 24, 1794. This early Russian Mission in America had the following Episcopal succession: Bishops +JOASAF (1799), +INNOCENT (1840-1858), +PETER (1859-1867), +PAUL (1867-1870), +JOHN (1870-1876), +NESTOR (1879-1882), +VLADIMIR (1888-1891), +NICHOLAS (1891-1898), and +TIKHON (1898-1917) to the Bolshevik Revolution, overthrow & persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The former ruling Archbishop in North America, +TIKHON (Vasili Ivanovich Bellavin), was elected Patriarch of Moscow, and the Patriarchate was restored in August of 1917 by the Russian Holy Synod which had convened and sought to reform conditions imposed since 1721. In effect, the Russian Church had retained its internal integrity for the period 1721-1917, but had been captive to the state.
Patriarch +TIKHON and the Holy Synod of Moscow elected as bishop Abdulla +AFTIMIOS Ofiesh, a former monk who had been ordained a priest by the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. Bishop +AFTIMIOS was consecrated on May 31, 1917 at New York City by Metropolitan +EVDOKIM (Mischersky), who joined the "Living Church" in 1922 as Metropolitan of Odessa, Bishop +ALEXANDROVICH (Nemolovsky) Russian Orthodox Bishop of Canada and the Aleutian Islands and Bishop +STEPHEN (Dzubai) Russian Orthodox Bishop of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Lines of Apostolic Succession in the "new world" were further strengthened by relations with various canonical Orthodox bodies, among them, the Albanian Orthodox Church; in its long history, it was the continuation of the pristine Christian Church of Illyricum where St. Paul had proclaimed the Gospel of Christ.
On November 21, 1923 Archbishop +THEOPHANIES (Noli) was consecrated Metropolitan of Durrazzo at St. George Cathedral in Korcha, Albania by Archbishop +KRISTOFOR (Kissi) of Albania and Bishop +HIEROTHEOS (Andon-Yaho), Bishop of Miletoupolis and Exarch of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES considered his Albanian Orthodox Church in America as a daughter of the Russian Orthodox Church in America. He was one of the first hierarchs to call for an united Orthodox Church in the Americas and specifically for the establishment of a "conference" of Orthodox bishops. The Metropolitan was a distinguished diplomat, a delegate to the League of Nations, served in the Albanian Parliament and was elected as Prime Minister of Albania in 1924.
On February 2, 1927 Metropolitan +PLATON (Rozhdestvensky) and the Russian Holy Synod of Bishops in America charged Archbishop +AFTIMIOS (Ofiesh) "with the full responsibility and duty of caring and providing for American Orthodoxy in the special sense of Orthodox Catholic people born in America and primarily English-speaking, or any American residents of parishes of whatever nationality or linguistic character or derivation not satisfactorily provided with proper canonical Orthodox Catholic care…, or who may wish to attach themselves by the properly and legally means to an autonomous, independent, American Orthodox Catholic Church."
Archbishop +AFTIMIOS (Ofiesh), assisted by Bishop +EMMANUEL (Abo-Hatab) Bishop of Montreal and Archbishop +ELIAS of Tyre and Sidon, on May 26, 1928 consecrated Bishop +SOPHRONIOS (Bashira) as Bishop of Los Angeles, California.
Archbishop +SOPHRONIOS (Bashira) of the Greek Diocese of Los Angeles with Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) of Boston, on February 10, 1934 at the Church of Sts. Constantine and Helen in New York City consecrated Archbishop +CHRISTOPOHER (Contogeorge) as Bishop of Philadelphia; in 1947 he was made Metropolitan of Pentapolis and Exarch for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, Egypt and All Africa, in the United States.
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) with Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) on August 25, 1934 at the Church of St. John the Baptist in New York City, consecrated Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas); in 1954 he was made Exarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, Egypt and All Africa, for the United States and Canada.
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) with Bishop +AMBROSIUS of Aman, Jordan, in accordance with orders from the Holy Synod of Moscow, on November 3, 1935 consecrated Archbishop +NICHOLAS (Kedroffsky) as Archbishop of North America and the Aleutian Islands. The consecration took place at the Russian Cathedral of St. Nicholas in New York City, which was erected in November of 1902 under the auspices of Czar Nicholas II, who assisted in its maintenance until his death in 1917.
Archbishop +NICHOLAS (Kedroffsky) with Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas) and Archbishop +BENJAMIN (Fedchenkoff), Patriarchal Exarch of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow, in 1935 at the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas in New York City, consecrated Bishop +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) of Springfield, Massachusetts for the Russian jurisdiction.
Later, as reported in the October 14, 1950 edition of The New York Times, hierarchs met in Springfield and announced they were breaking all ties with Moscow and would function independently of Russia. Leaders of the church elected Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) as its first Moderator for America and Metropolitan +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) was appointed to serve all foreign countries.
His Beatitude Metropolitan +JOSEPH was the founding Hierarch of the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops. (In March of 1951 The SEC was fully established by Metropolitan +JOSEPH and Bishop +PETER (Zhurawetzky); a religious entity, erected and existing with the canonical authority and blessings of the Holy Synod of the American Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church.
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) in 1949 with Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas), and with the concurrence of Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli), consecrated Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) for the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) with Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) on October 14, 1950 at Springfield, Massachusetts consecrated Ukrainian Metropolitan +NICHOLAS (Bohatyretz) for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.
Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) with Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) and Ukrainian Metropolitan +NICHOLAS (Bohatyretz) along with +JOSEPH (Zielonka) of the Polish National Catholic Church, did on October 15, 1950 at Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Springfield, Massachusetts consecrate Bishop +PETER Andreas (Zhurawetzky) for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America.
Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) with Bishop +PETER (Zhurawetzky) on June 2, 1951 consecrated Archbishop +JOACHIM (Souris); he later became primate of the Autocephalous Greek Orthodox church of America.
Archbishop +JOACHIM (Souris) with Bishop +STANISLAUS (De Witow) consecrated Archbishop +WALTER (Propheta) for the American Orthodox Catholic Church who consecrated Bishop +DAVID (Baxter) on October 12, 1969 for the Orthodox Church of America.
In 1961, at the death of Metropolitan +JOSEPH, Archbishop +PETER was elected Moderator of the Standing Episcopal Conference. Metropolitan +PETER (Zhurawetzky) and Archbishop +JOACHIM (Souris) consecrated Archbishop +NIKOLAUS (Ilnyckyj) in 1973 for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States.
From 1951 until 1986, Metropolitan +PETER (Zhurawetzky) was principal Consecrator of Bishops +JOACHIM (Souris), +ROBERT (Zeiger), +MARK ATHANASIUS (Karras), +WILLIAM (Morgan), +KARL (Pruter), +DANIEL (Smith), +CHRISTOPHER (Jones), +KERMIT (Poling), +ANDREI (Nowak), +CLARENCE (Quinn), +NIKOLAUS (Ilnyckyj), +LAFOND (Lapointe), +DAVID-FRANCIS (Corbet) and +MICHAEL (Kirkland).
His Beatitude Metropolitan +PETER (Zhurawetzky) and Ukrainian Archbishop +NIKOLAUS (Ilnyckyj) with Archbishop +DAVID (Baxter) of the Orthodox Church of America consecrated Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) on September 20, 1986 at Orlando, Florida. The ceremonies were documented in "The Orlando Sentinel" and attended by more than 350 Faithful.
On November 15, 1986 His Beatitude +PETER forwarded news of the consecration of Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) to Greek Orthodox Archbishop +IAKOVOS, Exarch of Ecumenical Patriarch +DIMITRIOS I. (SEE LETTER ABOVE RECEIVED FROM THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH)
From 1986 until 1994, Bishop +MICHAEL served as Synodal Secretary; after His Beatitude's repose in 1994, he was appointed by the Holy Synod of Bishops as Moderator for the Standing Episcopal Conference.
On November 15, 1997 Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) was invited by Bishop +MAXIMOS of Pittsburgh to attend a special Patriarchal Vesper Service and Clergy Reception at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral for His All-Holiness +BARTHOLOMEW I Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch. This was a truly historic occasion as Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) of America greeted the Ecumenical Patriarch from the Phanar in Turkey and received his Paternal Apostolic Blessings for all member Hierarchs, Clergy and Jurisdictions of Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops and the OCA-UAOC.
In August 2017, the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops was formally accepted under the Canonical Protection of the APC Synod in Moscow, Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia, under its Primate, His Beatitude Metropolitan +VITALY (Kuzhevatov).
In the writings of the Early Church Fathers, we see two predominant themes regarding Apostolic Succession: historic transmission through the Twelve and the heavenly connection in the Eucharist. These principles are carried down through the centuries to canonical bishops of the present age.
As noted Orthodox historian and respected lecturer Bishop +KALLISTOS (Ware) has phrased it, "the Orthodox Church is a family of self-governing Churches. It is not held together by a centralized organization, not by a single prelate wielding absolute power over the whole body, but by the double bond of unity in Faith and communion in the Sacraments."
In a 1993 letter to Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) from Mr. John H. Erickson, Associate Professor of Church History and Canon Law, Theologian and now Dean of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York confirmed that "to be sure, the Orthodox East would not restrict its understanding of Apostolic Succession to a merely mechanical transmission of sacramental powers. Succession cannot be separated from what St. Irenaeus would call a 'certain charism of Truth.'" (Please see a copy of that letter under the SACRAMENTS tab above)
Simply put, pure unity of FAITH, which is grounded in the Eternal Truths...the APOSTOLIC DICTRINES found in Sacred delivered from Christ to His Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church--sublimely witnessed through the Seven Sacraments (Mysteries) and most especially experienced in its fullness at the Eucharistic banquet through participation in His Most Pure Body and Precious Blood-- and valid SUCCESSION, transmission of Sacramental powers from the Twelve, is what we call Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church is the MAINSTREAM of right belief, true worship and the unbroken succession in a straight line back to the Apostles; it is the one true Church "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets" (Ephesians 2:20).
The Standing Episcopal Conference serves member Hierarchs and Jurisdictions throughout North and South America inclusively and Dependencies Abroad.
The SEC is composed of parishes, monastic houses and religious institutions in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & the Philippines.
The SEC is under Spiritual Protection of the Primate and Joint Synod of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States and former Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
The Patriarchates of Jerusalem, Constantinople (seat of the Ecumenical Patriarch and now called Istanbul), Alexandria, Antioch, Moscow and Rome comprise the traditional six chief centers of Christendom. All of the centers mentioned are equal in substance. With the exception of the Patriarchate of Moscow, the other five centers originated during the Apostolic Age and were founded by the Twelve.
The Apostle Peter is considered the founder of the Church of Antioch; James, the Brother of the Lord, of the Church of Jerusalem; the Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul, and Linus (II Timothy 4:21) of the Church of Rome; Mark the Evangelist of the Church of Alexandria; and, the Apostle Andrew--the "first called"-- and Stachys (Romans 16:9) of the Church of Byzantium, which was later named Constantinople in AD 330.
Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Moscow, with their autocephalous extensions and other Patriarchates, comprise the Eastern Church and Rome the Western--the latter, having accomplished the objective to recede from the mainstream of the Christian Church progressively at least since 1054, has nurtured the division of the Church. The Church of Rome was the first "protestant" church…protesting from the True Church, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church, founded by Jesus Christ.
It is very misleading to apply the name "catholic" (Greek, meaning "all embracing") to the Roman Church alone, when in reality the Catholic Church is the total Church of Jesus Christ undivided. We are CATHOLIC but not Roman Catholic!
In the Book of Revelation, St. John explains the quality, character, and evolution of the Christian Church which expressed itself seven distinct ways during its formative period. It was praised and criticized by the Lord through the Evangelist, who described it by means of the Churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea in Asia (Revelation 1:11; 2; 3).
The Patriarch of Moscow was elevated to that status in 1589 by the Patriarch of Constantinople +JEREMIAS II, and extended its jurisdiction over all of Russia where Eastern Orthodoxy arrived in AD 988 with the Baptism of the Grand Prince Volodmyr who recognized Orthodox Christianity as the official religion in Russia. In 1593, at the Great Synod in Constantinople, the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria confirmed the Patriarchate of Moscow.
In 1721 Peter the great of Russia suppressed the election of the Patriarchs of Moscow. The Russian Church was administered by the Holy Synod which was comprised of three permanent members who were the Metropolitans of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kyiv and of other bishops selected from various dioceses of Russia who participated in the sessions of the Synod. This Synod was recognized as the Patriarchate of Russia by the rest of Orthodoxy.
On May 4, 1793, permission was granted by the Empress Catherine II of Russia to the Holy Governing Synod of the Russian Church to establish an Orthodox Mission in America. The first missionaries arrived on Kodiak Island, Alaska on September 24, 1794. This early Russian Mission in America had the following Episcopal succession: Bishops +JOASAF (1799), +INNOCENT (1840-1858), +PETER (1859-1867), +PAUL (1867-1870), +JOHN (1870-1876), +NESTOR (1879-1882), +VLADIMIR (1888-1891), +NICHOLAS (1891-1898), and +TIKHON (1898-1917) to the Bolshevik Revolution, overthrow & persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The former ruling Archbishop in North America, +TIKHON (Vasili Ivanovich Bellavin), was elected Patriarch of Moscow, and the Patriarchate was restored in August of 1917 by the Russian Holy Synod which had convened and sought to reform conditions imposed since 1721. In effect, the Russian Church had retained its internal integrity for the period 1721-1917, but had been captive to the state.
Patriarch +TIKHON and the Holy Synod of Moscow elected as bishop Abdulla +AFTIMIOS Ofiesh, a former monk who had been ordained a priest by the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. Bishop +AFTIMIOS was consecrated on May 31, 1917 at New York City by Metropolitan +EVDOKIM (Mischersky), who joined the "Living Church" in 1922 as Metropolitan of Odessa, Bishop +ALEXANDROVICH (Nemolovsky) Russian Orthodox Bishop of Canada and the Aleutian Islands and Bishop +STEPHEN (Dzubai) Russian Orthodox Bishop of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Lines of Apostolic Succession in the "new world" were further strengthened by relations with various canonical Orthodox bodies, among them, the Albanian Orthodox Church; in its long history, it was the continuation of the pristine Christian Church of Illyricum where St. Paul had proclaimed the Gospel of Christ.
On November 21, 1923 Archbishop +THEOPHANIES (Noli) was consecrated Metropolitan of Durrazzo at St. George Cathedral in Korcha, Albania by Archbishop +KRISTOFOR (Kissi) of Albania and Bishop +HIEROTHEOS (Andon-Yaho), Bishop of Miletoupolis and Exarch of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES considered his Albanian Orthodox Church in America as a daughter of the Russian Orthodox Church in America. He was one of the first hierarchs to call for an united Orthodox Church in the Americas and specifically for the establishment of a "conference" of Orthodox bishops. The Metropolitan was a distinguished diplomat, a delegate to the League of Nations, served in the Albanian Parliament and was elected as Prime Minister of Albania in 1924.
On February 2, 1927 Metropolitan +PLATON (Rozhdestvensky) and the Russian Holy Synod of Bishops in America charged Archbishop +AFTIMIOS (Ofiesh) "with the full responsibility and duty of caring and providing for American Orthodoxy in the special sense of Orthodox Catholic people born in America and primarily English-speaking, or any American residents of parishes of whatever nationality or linguistic character or derivation not satisfactorily provided with proper canonical Orthodox Catholic care…, or who may wish to attach themselves by the properly and legally means to an autonomous, independent, American Orthodox Catholic Church."
Archbishop +AFTIMIOS (Ofiesh), assisted by Bishop +EMMANUEL (Abo-Hatab) Bishop of Montreal and Archbishop +ELIAS of Tyre and Sidon, on May 26, 1928 consecrated Bishop +SOPHRONIOS (Bashira) as Bishop of Los Angeles, California.
Archbishop +SOPHRONIOS (Bashira) of the Greek Diocese of Los Angeles with Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) of Boston, on February 10, 1934 at the Church of Sts. Constantine and Helen in New York City consecrated Archbishop +CHRISTOPOHER (Contogeorge) as Bishop of Philadelphia; in 1947 he was made Metropolitan of Pentapolis and Exarch for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, Egypt and All Africa, in the United States.
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) with Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli) on August 25, 1934 at the Church of St. John the Baptist in New York City, consecrated Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas); in 1954 he was made Exarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, Egypt and All Africa, for the United States and Canada.
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) with Bishop +AMBROSIUS of Aman, Jordan, in accordance with orders from the Holy Synod of Moscow, on November 3, 1935 consecrated Archbishop +NICHOLAS (Kedroffsky) as Archbishop of North America and the Aleutian Islands. The consecration took place at the Russian Cathedral of St. Nicholas in New York City, which was erected in November of 1902 under the auspices of Czar Nicholas II, who assisted in its maintenance until his death in 1917.
Archbishop +NICHOLAS (Kedroffsky) with Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas) and Archbishop +BENJAMIN (Fedchenkoff), Patriarchal Exarch of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow, in 1935 at the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas in New York City, consecrated Bishop +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) of Springfield, Massachusetts for the Russian jurisdiction.
Later, as reported in the October 14, 1950 edition of The New York Times, hierarchs met in Springfield and announced they were breaking all ties with Moscow and would function independently of Russia. Leaders of the church elected Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) as its first Moderator for America and Metropolitan +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) was appointed to serve all foreign countries.
His Beatitude Metropolitan +JOSEPH was the founding Hierarch of the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops. (In March of 1951 The SEC was fully established by Metropolitan +JOSEPH and Bishop +PETER (Zhurawetzky); a religious entity, erected and existing with the canonical authority and blessings of the Holy Synod of the American Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church.
Archbishop +CHRISTOPHER (Contogeorge) in 1949 with Archbishop +ARSENIOS (Saltas), and with the concurrence of Albanian Metropolitan +THEOPHANIES (Noli), consecrated Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) for the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) with Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) on October 14, 1950 at Springfield, Massachusetts consecrated Ukrainian Metropolitan +NICHOLAS (Bohatyretz) for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.
Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) with Archbishop +KONSTANTIN (Jaroshevich) and Ukrainian Metropolitan +NICHOLAS (Bohatyretz) along with +JOSEPH (Zielonka) of the Polish National Catholic Church, did on October 15, 1950 at Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Springfield, Massachusetts consecrate Bishop +PETER Andreas (Zhurawetzky) for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America.
Metropolitan +JOSEPH (Klymowycz) with Bishop +PETER (Zhurawetzky) on June 2, 1951 consecrated Archbishop +JOACHIM (Souris); he later became primate of the Autocephalous Greek Orthodox church of America.
Archbishop +JOACHIM (Souris) with Bishop +STANISLAUS (De Witow) consecrated Archbishop +WALTER (Propheta) for the American Orthodox Catholic Church who consecrated Bishop +DAVID (Baxter) on October 12, 1969 for the Orthodox Church of America.
In 1961, at the death of Metropolitan +JOSEPH, Archbishop +PETER was elected Moderator of the Standing Episcopal Conference. Metropolitan +PETER (Zhurawetzky) and Archbishop +JOACHIM (Souris) consecrated Archbishop +NIKOLAUS (Ilnyckyj) in 1973 for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States.
From 1951 until 1986, Metropolitan +PETER (Zhurawetzky) was principal Consecrator of Bishops +JOACHIM (Souris), +ROBERT (Zeiger), +MARK ATHANASIUS (Karras), +WILLIAM (Morgan), +KARL (Pruter), +DANIEL (Smith), +CHRISTOPHER (Jones), +KERMIT (Poling), +ANDREI (Nowak), +CLARENCE (Quinn), +NIKOLAUS (Ilnyckyj), +LAFOND (Lapointe), +DAVID-FRANCIS (Corbet) and +MICHAEL (Kirkland).
His Beatitude Metropolitan +PETER (Zhurawetzky) and Ukrainian Archbishop +NIKOLAUS (Ilnyckyj) with Archbishop +DAVID (Baxter) of the Orthodox Church of America consecrated Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) on September 20, 1986 at Orlando, Florida. The ceremonies were documented in "The Orlando Sentinel" and attended by more than 350 Faithful.
On November 15, 1986 His Beatitude +PETER forwarded news of the consecration of Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) to Greek Orthodox Archbishop +IAKOVOS, Exarch of Ecumenical Patriarch +DIMITRIOS I. (SEE LETTER ABOVE RECEIVED FROM THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH)
From 1986 until 1994, Bishop +MICHAEL served as Synodal Secretary; after His Beatitude's repose in 1994, he was appointed by the Holy Synod of Bishops as Moderator for the Standing Episcopal Conference.
On November 15, 1997 Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) was invited by Bishop +MAXIMOS of Pittsburgh to attend a special Patriarchal Vesper Service and Clergy Reception at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral for His All-Holiness +BARTHOLOMEW I Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch. This was a truly historic occasion as Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) of America greeted the Ecumenical Patriarch from the Phanar in Turkey and received his Paternal Apostolic Blessings for all member Hierarchs, Clergy and Jurisdictions of Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops and the OCA-UAOC.
In August 2017, the Standing Episcopal Conference of Orthodox Bishops was formally accepted under the Canonical Protection of the APC Synod in Moscow, Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia, under its Primate, His Beatitude Metropolitan +VITALY (Kuzhevatov).
In the writings of the Early Church Fathers, we see two predominant themes regarding Apostolic Succession: historic transmission through the Twelve and the heavenly connection in the Eucharist. These principles are carried down through the centuries to canonical bishops of the present age.
As noted Orthodox historian and respected lecturer Bishop +KALLISTOS (Ware) has phrased it, "the Orthodox Church is a family of self-governing Churches. It is not held together by a centralized organization, not by a single prelate wielding absolute power over the whole body, but by the double bond of unity in Faith and communion in the Sacraments."
In a 1993 letter to Bishop +MICHAEL (Kirkland) from Mr. John H. Erickson, Associate Professor of Church History and Canon Law, Theologian and now Dean of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York confirmed that "to be sure, the Orthodox East would not restrict its understanding of Apostolic Succession to a merely mechanical transmission of sacramental powers. Succession cannot be separated from what St. Irenaeus would call a 'certain charism of Truth.'" (Please see a copy of that letter under the SACRAMENTS tab above)
Simply put, pure unity of FAITH, which is grounded in the Eternal Truths...the APOSTOLIC DICTRINES found in Sacred delivered from Christ to His Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church--sublimely witnessed through the Seven Sacraments (Mysteries) and most especially experienced in its fullness at the Eucharistic banquet through participation in His Most Pure Body and Precious Blood-- and valid SUCCESSION, transmission of Sacramental powers from the Twelve, is what we call Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church is the MAINSTREAM of right belief, true worship and the unbroken succession in a straight line back to the Apostles; it is the one true Church "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets" (Ephesians 2:20).
The Standing Episcopal Conference serves member Hierarchs and Jurisdictions throughout North and South America inclusively and Dependencies Abroad.
The SEC is composed of parishes, monastic houses and religious institutions in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & the Philippines.
The SEC is under Spiritual Protection of the Primate and Joint Synod of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States and former Exarchate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.