Western Rite
+ The Divine Liturgy +
This Liturgy is to be used when the priest has no one in attendance, save maybe a server. In order that the priest should not be denied the Sacred Honor of Celebrating the Eucharistic Mystery, this privilege is given because of the situation of the times we live. The priest is never completely alone for the nine choirs of angels are always in attendance as well as Our Holy Mother Mary and selected saints. The Holy Spirit is present and overshadows every Eucharistic Celebration from the beginning of time.
This is one of two private Liturgies being Western Charismatique and the other Eastern Rite established for the same purpose.
This Liturgy was given to us by St. Andre Barbeau I, Patriarch of the Charismatique Catholic Church of Canada.
Authorized by the Prime – Archbishop of the American Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church
Archdiocese of North America
May 13, 1994
Feast of Our Lady of The Holy Eucharist
Charismatic Mass and Canon
Mass of Reconciliation
The priest proceeds to the altar and begins after bowing and kissing it.
If someone is assisting the priest, then he responds:
Blessed + be our God, now and forever and unto all ages. Amen.
For the peace from above and the salvation of our souls, *Lord have mercy.
For the peace of the whole world, *
For the stability of the Holy Churches of God, and for the union of all Christians, *
For this Holy House and for those that enter it with faith, reverence and the fear of God. *
For all Patriarchs of East and West, especially for ; ___________ and all Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Monastics, and all Clergy and the People, *
For this city _____ and for every city and land, and for the faithful who dwell in them. *
For good and right weather and the abundance of fruits of the earth, and for Christ’s peace to be over the earth, *
For these special intentions: ________________, *
For travelers, for the sick _________, and those who suffer _________, for those held captive __________, and for prisoners of every kind and for their salvation, *
For our deliverance from the bonds of the evil one, that we may rise above all tribulation, wrath, danger and necessity, *
A moment of special prayer…
O heavenly King, comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who are in all places and fills all things: treasury and giver of life; come take up Your abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls O good one.
(All present may pray together)
For You are holy O Lord, and we give honor and praise to the Father +, and the Son, and the Holy + Spirit now and forever, from ages unto ages. Amen.
Holy God +, Holy and Mighty +, Holy and Immortal, have mercy on us. (3x)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
All Holy Trinity, Have mercy on us, Lord, forgive our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, look upon us and heal our infirmities for Your Names sake.
I will enter into Your house: I will worship toward Your holy temple.
O Lord I worship in Your presence, in the sight of Mary, the Holy Theotokos, and in the sight of Your Holy Angels, while the only High Priest, Jesus, in person celebrates the Divine Mysteries through the ministry of His visible priest. Grace me to open my eyes, the eyes of my soul, the eyes of my faith, for faith causes me to live as if I see into the invisible. O Lord, I believe, please steadily increase my faith.
(Optional Prayer)
O immaculate Virgin Mary, we honor you as the Mother of priests. From you Christ was born, the one and eternal High Priest, the fount and fullness of all priesthood. Wherefore, rightly should we acclaim you as the mother of those who share with Him, His priesthood. When you stood at the foot of the cross you added your sacrifice to His. And at that supreme hour of redemption you received from Him all priests, all people, as your sons and daughters with the words He said to John: “Behold your mother.”
We therefore unite our voices with Him, priest and victim, and invoke you in a special way as the mother of those who serve at His altar and those who accompany and join their love. Look kindly O Mary, on the priests of your Christ. Lovingly guard each one of them with your maternal powerful protection. Cherish them and mold them with priestly virtues so that we and they may worthily serve Jesus and you in our role of John.
To all priests and people, show that you are our mother; confirm the fervent, strengthen the weak, arouse the tepid, enlighten those in danger, and graciously come to the aid of those who have fallen, extending to them your motherly hand, so that they may be restored as quickly as possible to the embrace of your Son.
Finally, most loving mother, grant that all priests, and people, saved by the help of your mercy, may end our lives in grace and sing through all ages that praise which on earth we give you with all our hearts: Hail Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the First Priest, Mother of all priests, Mother of all those who serve you and your Divine Son, clergy and laity alike. Amen.
(A prayer of the day may be inserted.)
(The priest pauses to call to mind his sins.)
May Almighty God Who hears all prayers and rejoices when we turn to Him and promised all forgiveness of sins: pardon +, absolve +, and deliver + me, and those celebrating with me, from sin. Give me us a right heart and compassion to lead a better life. Please strengthen me us and bring me us to everlasting life. Together with all Your children upon this earth and those who await Your holy presence through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God, the Father in heaven, + have mercy on me. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, + have mercy on me. Holy Spirit of love, + have mercy on me.
(On Sundays outside of Advent and Lent)
Glory to God, in the highest,
*And peace to His people on earth. Lord God, heavenly king, almighty God and Father, we worship You, we give You thanks, we praise You for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. You are seated at the right hand of the Father, receive our prayer. For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
(The priest may choose the antiphon of the day, especially on Sunday, or use only the following:)
O Lord Jesus, may these Divine Mysteries, impart to us Your gracious favor, whereby having tasted the sweetness of Your Most Sacred Heart, we may learn to make use of this infinite love for the greater glory of our heavenly Father, within the eternal devouring fire of the Holy Spirit of love, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
(The opening prayer, with outstretched arms)
Heavenly Father, may we worship in the presence of the angels, as our Lord, Himself, celebrates the Divine Mysteries. Grant that our eyes may be opened, the eyes of faith, that we may see into the invisible world of Your love. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(At this point an Old Testament Reading may be used in addition to the other readings. After each reading a meditative silence should take place.)
+ + +
O most Holy Spirit, may our thoughts be made holy +.
O most Holy Spirit, act in us, that what we do may be holy +, draw our hearts that our love may be holy +.
In the name of the Father +, Son and Holy Spirit.
Let me listen and attend to the words of the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to St. _______.
(At the completion of the Gospel)
This is the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His Holy Words remain deep in our hearts, minds, and all we say and do.
(Prayer for all intentions)
⦁ I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God. Begotten of His Father before all worlds. God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God. Begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father. By Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. (bow at these words) And He was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: and was made man. And was crucified also for us, under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried. And on the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead. Whose kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead; + and the life of the world to come. Amen.
(Priest washes his hands saying:)
O Lord Jesus, as I wash my hands, cleanse my soul, that it may become free from stain, spotless, and purified.
(Priest bows before the altar, opens up the Antimension, corporal, kisses it and then places the chalice and paten upon it.)
(Priest strikes his breast 3x while repeating :)
O God be gracious unto me a sinner and have mercy upon me. 3x
O Lord let me always be mindful that the holy bread and chalice of the altar, for which I am giving thanks, is a sharing of nothing less than the Most Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, outflowing from the very wound of His Most Sacred Heart, for no other reason than to quench the thirst of our souls, with His divine love.
(Priest picks up the bread, saying :)
Blessed are You, Lord, God of creation, through Your goodness we have this bread to offer which earth has given and human hands have made. It will become our Bread of Life. Blessed be God forever and ever. Amen.
Accept, O Father, almighty and eternal God, this spotless host, about to become the Glorified Savior, Jesus Christ, which I Your unworthy servant, offer to You, my living and true God, in order to atone for my many sins, and on behalf of all those it is offered for, both living and dead, that this holy sacrifice may be profitable for my unworthy self and them, and bring us to everlasting salvation.
(The priest pours wine and water in the chalice saying :)
By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ, who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.
(Priest lifts up the chalice, saying :)
Blessed are You, Lord, God of creation, through Your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of our hands, it will become our spiritual drink. Blessed be God forever and ever. Amen.
Almighty, everlasting God, please come in person to bless and sanctify through the consuming force of the Holy Spirit, this purest sacrifice, prepared for the glory and honor of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. I pray for my own salvation and that of the whole world, that this sacrifice may become the actual sacrifice of Calvary about to be made on this altar.
(Priest extends his hands and joins them saying :)
May the Lord accept the sacrifice at my hands for the greater praise and glory of His holy church.
Merciful Father, all Your delight is taken with Your beloved Son, in Whom You are infinitely pleased. Since, in these glories of the altar, the Sacred Heart of Jesus is about to beat with joy, overflowing with tenderness. Heavenly Father grant us the favor of setting our hearts on fire with Your love. From these abundant flames of love, make this offering holy and cleanse our hearts from all sin. Send the light of Your Holy Spirit. This we ask in the precious name of Jesus, forever pleading within the adorable Trinity. Amen.
Father it is our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give You thanks through Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You determined that Your only begotten son, hanging upon the cross, should be pierced by the lance of the soldier, in fact the lance of our sins, that His heart, which had stored up His richness of Mercy and Divine Love, being open wide, which might pour out upon us in the flowing streams of His compassion, and infinite love. Therefore along with all the angels of heaven we wish to offer the endless praise of God singing (saying):
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Shabuoth, heaven and earth are filled with Your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name + of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Heavenly Father, extremely deserving of all our love, creator of the universe, infinite in wisdom and love, all creation wishes to praise and adore You, through the voice of Your beloved Son, our Divine Savior. Gracious Father, all divine life springs from you, unceasingly You wish to give birth to Jesus in each of our souls, by the working of the Holy Spirit, until we cry out, I live no longer but Christ lives in me.
Father of Glory, we thank You for cherishing our souls with the same tenderness that You love Your only begotten Son, and we are eternally grateful that You continually show us wonderful things by Your charismatic spirit of love, especially in Your Holy Church, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
All loving Father, help us to be ready to go out and meet Jesus, the Bridegroom of each of our souls, when He comes, at the time known only to You heavenly Father.
When will the glory of Jesus shine upon our souls, His divine love finding us beautiful, without stain, or a single spot, free from sin, without wrinkle or blemish of any sort? At that time we will be glorious and most holy, purified in the precious Blood of Jesus, the slain Lamb of God.
Happy are those invited guests to the wedding supper of the Lamb. On that great occasion we will be clothed in fine linen, clean and shining, draped with the glittering soul of Mary, sparkling with glory and radiating with the very splendor of heaven.
We ask You to bless those who believe in the Word of God, without seeing, and without understanding. To open the eyes and souls of all who disbelieve, so that they may partake of Your Holy Mysteries. Blessed are those invited guests to the Divine Banquet, the eternal sacrifice of our Lord and Savior. Set apart from those who have sinned, all holy, and innocent, He was raised above the entire heaven.
(Priest extends over the elements.)
Father, we offer this perfect sacrifice of our redemption, infinitely worthy and pleasing to Your majesty, we await You to personally consecrate these gifts, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Your infinite tenderness You are eager to make them holy, that they may become The Sacred Body + and Blood + of our Savior + and Redeemer, because it is at Your command that we celebrate these Divine Mysteries of Faith and Truth.
Now, almighty God, I Your humble priest, on behalf of all Your people, impersonate the only eternal High Priest, in Whom You place all Your love, wish to sublimate ourselves and to be removed from Your sight, to be completely lost within our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, so that we may be taken over by Him, while performing this Sacred Consecration.
O Lord, in company with the Blessed Powers of heaven, I do now, for myself and all the people, cry aloud and give You praise: Holy are You, all Holy You, and Your only begotten Son, and Your Holy Spirit: Holy and all Holy and Majestic is Your glory. Who so loved Your world that You gave Your only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Who having come and having fulfilled the whole divine plan concerning us,
Words of Institution
On the night when He was betrayed, He surrendered Himself for the life of the world.
He took bread in His Holy and Immaculate Hands
and when He had given thanks,
and Blessed + + + it,
broke it, and so sanctified it,
He gave it to His Holy Disciples saying:
Take, eat, this is my Body,
which for you is broken,
unto remission of sins.
+ + +
In like manner after supper He took the cup,
Blessed + + + it,
and so sanctified it,
He gave it to His Holy Disciples saying:
Drink of it all of you,
this is my Blood,
that of the New Testament,
which for you and for many
is shed, unto the remission of sins.
Do this in memory of me.
Remembering, therefore, this commandment of salvation and all those things which came to pass; the cross, the grave, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension into heaven, the sitting at the right hand, the second and glorious coming again. Your own, + + + we offer unto You in Behalf of all and for all. We offer unto You this reasonable and unbloodied sacrifice. And we beseech and implore You, and offer our supplications unto You, that You will send Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these (hands extended over gifts) gifts lying here before all Your children on earth.
+ + +
Come Holy Spirit and make this + Bread + the Precious Body + of Your Christ.
Come Holy Spirit and make that which is in + this Chalice + the Precious Blood + of Your Christ.
Come Holy Spirit and transmute + Them by + Your + power.
In celebrating this Holy and complete Sacrifice and His glorious life among us in His Holy Eucharist, until the end of the existing world, we wish to be ready to greet our Lord Jesus when He comes again in all His glory.
Beloved Father, may we offer to You with infinite gratitude this Holy and + living sacrifice + of Calvary, please look with favor on Your church’s offering, for Your only begotten Son has made up super abundantly for all the sins of the world. He has restored our broken friendship with You, our heavenly Father. As we are fed this Sacred Body + and Precious Blood + , may we be filled with His divinity so as to become that same Sacred Body and that same Sacred Soul with our Lord Jesus.
We pray that the Holy Spirit of love will enable us to become an everlasting gift to You, our all-glorious Father, we hope to share the infinite delight in the paradise of eternal love, with our blessed mother, the Virgin Mary, and all the saints and angels on Who’s constant help and friendship we rely.
Beloved Father, because this Majestic Sacrifice is worthy of pleasing You, and has restored Your merciful kindness to the whole world, to every people, and every soul, may the living flames of love, from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, set our souls on fire, that the whole world may be consumed in this devouring flame. Merciful Father, we do believe but please, steadily increase our faith.
We remember in our prayers, the Holy Church of our Lord Jesus, which He cherishes as a bride, as much as His own body, expecting her to be gloriously spotless. We pray especially for our universal Patriarchs, especially for ________________, and all the Bishops and Clergy, and the entire people of Your One, Holy, Orthodox, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which Christ has saved. For all Christians who have born witness to salvation by their very blood in this world with its corruption and evil ways, Your martyrs.
O God remember all who have died in the hope of being raised up to everlasting life, ________. And give them rest where the light of your presence falls. For all those who live a pure and modest way of life. For all those who are especially in need of Your divine mercy. We offer up before You all those who have asked for prayers and those who may not realize their own need.
For all those who have requested prayers for their loved ones, I offer now before Your heavenly throne, ____________.
For all those in authority over us be they Clergy or Secular. For the President of our great Country, __________. Grant them, Lord, to govern in peace so that we too may share their tranquility and live calm and untroubled lives, in all Godliness and honor.
We hope to enjoy forever being in Your presence, in the vision of Your glory, and Your eternal image shining as the stars of the heavens, as many brilliant suns, where we ca praise and love our heavenly Father forever and ever, in the precious and glorious Name of Jesus.
(Priest lifts paten and chalice while saying :)
Heavenly Father, extremely deserving of all our love, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your beloved Son in Whom You are so well pleased. And with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, endless joy be within us, beyond all words, with unspeakable love. And in Jesus, living within our souls, so that we may be transfigured through His divine love, from day to day, into His likeness from splendor to glory, by the powerful working of the Holy Spirit.
(Priest joins his hands and says :)
All praise, honor, adoration, infinite thanksgiving and all possible atonement, world without end, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prompted by the Lord’s teachings and according to His inmost desire, I must not hesitate to enter His loving soul and mingle my voice with the prayer of Jesus, crying out with all my might.
*Our Father, Who art in heaven … but deliver us from evil.
Deliver us, O Lord, from all evil, past present and those to come, for the love of the glorious Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Apostles, and of all the Saints, especially: ___________, and Angels attending these Divine Mysteries, may we be free from sin and safe from all misfortune, as we await the second coming of our Lord and savior, Jesus the Christ.
*For the kingdom, the power, and the Glory are Yours, Father +, Son +, and Holy + Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
The Minor Elevation
(Raises chalice with paten on top)
Look down, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, from Your holy dwelling place, and from the throne of the glory of Your kingdom; and come to sanctify us, O You Who sits on high with the Father, and are here invisibly present with us; and vouches by Your mighty hand to impart unto Your unworthy servant, Your immaculate Body and Blood.
( Breaks the host saying :)
Divided and distributed is the Lamb of God, Who is divided, yet not disunited; Who is ever eaten, yet never consumed, but sanctifies those who partake thereof.
(Taking a piece of the host, blesses the Holy Blood 3x before placing it in the chalice saying :)
The fullness of the cup, of the faith, of the Holy Spirit. Blessed + + + is the fervor of Your saints, always; now and forever. Amen.
(The priest raises the Sacred Elements and prays:)
Major Elevation
Through the grace and mercy and love for Your people of Your + only begotten Son, with whom You are blessed with Your all Holy + and good and life giving Holy Spirit, + now and ever. Amen.
The Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, You Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You Who take away the sins of the world,
grant us peace. (grant them eternal rest.)
Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by the will of the Father and the work of the Holy Spirit, Your death brought life to the world. By Your Holy Body and Blood free us from all our sins, and from every evil, keep us faithful to Your teachings, and never let us be parted from You.
Sweet Virgin Mary, please convey to our souls your ardent love for Jesus, and speak for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, convey to our souls Your burning love for our heavenly Father.
(Priest raises the chalice and host praying :)
This is the Lamb of God, Who purified our souls with the Blood of His Most Sacred Heart. Happy are those who are called to His supper.
Lo, I draw near unto Christ, our immortal king and our God.
Lord I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and my soul shall be readied. You are the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.
The precious and all holy Body + of our Lord and God, Savior Jesus Christ is imparted unto me, the unworthy priest _____, unto remission of my sins and unto everlasting life.
The precious and all holy Blood + of our Lord and God, Savior Jesus Christ is imparted unto me, the unworthy priest ______, unto remission of my sins and unto life everlasting.
Lo, this has touched my lips, (the kiss) and shall take away my iniquities, and purge away all evil from me.
(If someone is present, the priest gives then communion through intinction.)
(A moment is given for personal prayer and meditation in the Holy Spirit.)
Prayer of Oblation
What has passed our lips as food, O Christ, may we greet with a loving heart. It was given to us for our healing and for eternity. Your Body, dear Lord, we have eaten, and Your Blood we have drunk, may it penetrate our soul and body, leaving no trace of sin, while we have been restored by this holy refreshment, the Divine Mysteries for the love of Jesus, world without end. Amen.
I have been blessed by the Lord through the creation of the heavens, the earth, the seas and all that they contain. For wherever we look around us we are continually reminded of His love for us.
*Let us go out this day and sing His praise. Let us be worthy to appreciate all the good things He bestows upon us. Bless ub always that in appreciation for all the wonders You have given us, O Lord, we may learn to appreciate and love the beauty of each other. Amen.
Glory to You, O God our hope, glory to You. May Christ our true God, Who rose from the dead, have mercy on us, through the intercession of His most pure and holy Mother; through the power of the precious and life giving Cross; the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner St. John the Baptist; of the holy, glorious and most honored Apostles; of the holy, glorious and victorious Martyrs of today and yesteryear; and all the saints, may Christ save us all. Amen.
Now, may I we go and live with Jesus, may His Sacred Heart leap with joy while abiding within us.
May the Holy Trinity, One God, Indivisible, Bless us, in the Name of the Father +, and of the Son +, and of the Holy + Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
Let us go, worshipping and adoring the God Who has saved us and bring His love and peace to all people. Amen.
+ The Divine Liturgy +
This Liturgy is to be used when the priest has no one in attendance, save maybe a server. In order that the priest should not be denied the Sacred Honor of Celebrating the Eucharistic Mystery, this privilege is given because of the situation of the times we live. The priest is never completely alone for the nine choirs of angels are always in attendance as well as Our Holy Mother Mary and selected saints. The Holy Spirit is present and overshadows every Eucharistic Celebration from the beginning of time.
This is one of two private Liturgies being Western Charismatique and the other Eastern Rite established for the same purpose.
This Liturgy was given to us by St. Andre Barbeau I, Patriarch of the Charismatique Catholic Church of Canada.
Authorized by the Prime – Archbishop of the American Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church
Archdiocese of North America
May 13, 1994
Feast of Our Lady of The Holy Eucharist
Charismatic Mass and Canon
Mass of Reconciliation
The priest proceeds to the altar and begins after bowing and kissing it.
If someone is assisting the priest, then he responds:
Blessed + be our God, now and forever and unto all ages. Amen.
For the peace from above and the salvation of our souls, *Lord have mercy.
For the peace of the whole world, *
For the stability of the Holy Churches of God, and for the union of all Christians, *
For this Holy House and for those that enter it with faith, reverence and the fear of God. *
For all Patriarchs of East and West, especially for ; ___________ and all Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Monastics, and all Clergy and the People, *
For this city _____ and for every city and land, and for the faithful who dwell in them. *
For good and right weather and the abundance of fruits of the earth, and for Christ’s peace to be over the earth, *
For these special intentions: ________________, *
For travelers, for the sick _________, and those who suffer _________, for those held captive __________, and for prisoners of every kind and for their salvation, *
For our deliverance from the bonds of the evil one, that we may rise above all tribulation, wrath, danger and necessity, *
A moment of special prayer…
O heavenly King, comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who are in all places and fills all things: treasury and giver of life; come take up Your abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls O good one.
(All present may pray together)
For You are holy O Lord, and we give honor and praise to the Father +, and the Son, and the Holy + Spirit now and forever, from ages unto ages. Amen.
Holy God +, Holy and Mighty +, Holy and Immortal, have mercy on us. (3x)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
All Holy Trinity, Have mercy on us, Lord, forgive our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, look upon us and heal our infirmities for Your Names sake.
I will enter into Your house: I will worship toward Your holy temple.
O Lord I worship in Your presence, in the sight of Mary, the Holy Theotokos, and in the sight of Your Holy Angels, while the only High Priest, Jesus, in person celebrates the Divine Mysteries through the ministry of His visible priest. Grace me to open my eyes, the eyes of my soul, the eyes of my faith, for faith causes me to live as if I see into the invisible. O Lord, I believe, please steadily increase my faith.
(Optional Prayer)
O immaculate Virgin Mary, we honor you as the Mother of priests. From you Christ was born, the one and eternal High Priest, the fount and fullness of all priesthood. Wherefore, rightly should we acclaim you as the mother of those who share with Him, His priesthood. When you stood at the foot of the cross you added your sacrifice to His. And at that supreme hour of redemption you received from Him all priests, all people, as your sons and daughters with the words He said to John: “Behold your mother.”
We therefore unite our voices with Him, priest and victim, and invoke you in a special way as the mother of those who serve at His altar and those who accompany and join their love. Look kindly O Mary, on the priests of your Christ. Lovingly guard each one of them with your maternal powerful protection. Cherish them and mold them with priestly virtues so that we and they may worthily serve Jesus and you in our role of John.
To all priests and people, show that you are our mother; confirm the fervent, strengthen the weak, arouse the tepid, enlighten those in danger, and graciously come to the aid of those who have fallen, extending to them your motherly hand, so that they may be restored as quickly as possible to the embrace of your Son.
Finally, most loving mother, grant that all priests, and people, saved by the help of your mercy, may end our lives in grace and sing through all ages that praise which on earth we give you with all our hearts: Hail Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the First Priest, Mother of all priests, Mother of all those who serve you and your Divine Son, clergy and laity alike. Amen.
(A prayer of the day may be inserted.)
(The priest pauses to call to mind his sins.)
May Almighty God Who hears all prayers and rejoices when we turn to Him and promised all forgiveness of sins: pardon +, absolve +, and deliver + me, and those celebrating with me, from sin. Give me us a right heart and compassion to lead a better life. Please strengthen me us and bring me us to everlasting life. Together with all Your children upon this earth and those who await Your holy presence through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God, the Father in heaven, + have mercy on me. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, + have mercy on me. Holy Spirit of love, + have mercy on me.
(On Sundays outside of Advent and Lent)
Glory to God, in the highest,
*And peace to His people on earth. Lord God, heavenly king, almighty God and Father, we worship You, we give You thanks, we praise You for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. You are seated at the right hand of the Father, receive our prayer. For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
(The priest may choose the antiphon of the day, especially on Sunday, or use only the following:)
O Lord Jesus, may these Divine Mysteries, impart to us Your gracious favor, whereby having tasted the sweetness of Your Most Sacred Heart, we may learn to make use of this infinite love for the greater glory of our heavenly Father, within the eternal devouring fire of the Holy Spirit of love, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
(The opening prayer, with outstretched arms)
Heavenly Father, may we worship in the presence of the angels, as our Lord, Himself, celebrates the Divine Mysteries. Grant that our eyes may be opened, the eyes of faith, that we may see into the invisible world of Your love. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(At this point an Old Testament Reading may be used in addition to the other readings. After each reading a meditative silence should take place.)
+ + +
O most Holy Spirit, may our thoughts be made holy +.
O most Holy Spirit, act in us, that what we do may be holy +, draw our hearts that our love may be holy +.
In the name of the Father +, Son and Holy Spirit.
Let me listen and attend to the words of the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to St. _______.
(At the completion of the Gospel)
This is the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His Holy Words remain deep in our hearts, minds, and all we say and do.
(Prayer for all intentions)
⦁ I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God. Begotten of His Father before all worlds. God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God. Begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father. By Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. (bow at these words) And He was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: and was made man. And was crucified also for us, under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried. And on the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead. Whose kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead; + and the life of the world to come. Amen.
(Priest washes his hands saying:)
O Lord Jesus, as I wash my hands, cleanse my soul, that it may become free from stain, spotless, and purified.
(Priest bows before the altar, opens up the Antimension, corporal, kisses it and then places the chalice and paten upon it.)
(Priest strikes his breast 3x while repeating :)
O God be gracious unto me a sinner and have mercy upon me. 3x
O Lord let me always be mindful that the holy bread and chalice of the altar, for which I am giving thanks, is a sharing of nothing less than the Most Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, outflowing from the very wound of His Most Sacred Heart, for no other reason than to quench the thirst of our souls, with His divine love.
(Priest picks up the bread, saying :)
Blessed are You, Lord, God of creation, through Your goodness we have this bread to offer which earth has given and human hands have made. It will become our Bread of Life. Blessed be God forever and ever. Amen.
Accept, O Father, almighty and eternal God, this spotless host, about to become the Glorified Savior, Jesus Christ, which I Your unworthy servant, offer to You, my living and true God, in order to atone for my many sins, and on behalf of all those it is offered for, both living and dead, that this holy sacrifice may be profitable for my unworthy self and them, and bring us to everlasting salvation.
(The priest pours wine and water in the chalice saying :)
By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ, who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.
(Priest lifts up the chalice, saying :)
Blessed are You, Lord, God of creation, through Your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of our hands, it will become our spiritual drink. Blessed be God forever and ever. Amen.
Almighty, everlasting God, please come in person to bless and sanctify through the consuming force of the Holy Spirit, this purest sacrifice, prepared for the glory and honor of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. I pray for my own salvation and that of the whole world, that this sacrifice may become the actual sacrifice of Calvary about to be made on this altar.
(Priest extends his hands and joins them saying :)
May the Lord accept the sacrifice at my hands for the greater praise and glory of His holy church.
Merciful Father, all Your delight is taken with Your beloved Son, in Whom You are infinitely pleased. Since, in these glories of the altar, the Sacred Heart of Jesus is about to beat with joy, overflowing with tenderness. Heavenly Father grant us the favor of setting our hearts on fire with Your love. From these abundant flames of love, make this offering holy and cleanse our hearts from all sin. Send the light of Your Holy Spirit. This we ask in the precious name of Jesus, forever pleading within the adorable Trinity. Amen.
Father it is our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give You thanks through Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You determined that Your only begotten son, hanging upon the cross, should be pierced by the lance of the soldier, in fact the lance of our sins, that His heart, which had stored up His richness of Mercy and Divine Love, being open wide, which might pour out upon us in the flowing streams of His compassion, and infinite love. Therefore along with all the angels of heaven we wish to offer the endless praise of God singing (saying):
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Shabuoth, heaven and earth are filled with Your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name + of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Heavenly Father, extremely deserving of all our love, creator of the universe, infinite in wisdom and love, all creation wishes to praise and adore You, through the voice of Your beloved Son, our Divine Savior. Gracious Father, all divine life springs from you, unceasingly You wish to give birth to Jesus in each of our souls, by the working of the Holy Spirit, until we cry out, I live no longer but Christ lives in me.
Father of Glory, we thank You for cherishing our souls with the same tenderness that You love Your only begotten Son, and we are eternally grateful that You continually show us wonderful things by Your charismatic spirit of love, especially in Your Holy Church, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
All loving Father, help us to be ready to go out and meet Jesus, the Bridegroom of each of our souls, when He comes, at the time known only to You heavenly Father.
When will the glory of Jesus shine upon our souls, His divine love finding us beautiful, without stain, or a single spot, free from sin, without wrinkle or blemish of any sort? At that time we will be glorious and most holy, purified in the precious Blood of Jesus, the slain Lamb of God.
Happy are those invited guests to the wedding supper of the Lamb. On that great occasion we will be clothed in fine linen, clean and shining, draped with the glittering soul of Mary, sparkling with glory and radiating with the very splendor of heaven.
We ask You to bless those who believe in the Word of God, without seeing, and without understanding. To open the eyes and souls of all who disbelieve, so that they may partake of Your Holy Mysteries. Blessed are those invited guests to the Divine Banquet, the eternal sacrifice of our Lord and Savior. Set apart from those who have sinned, all holy, and innocent, He was raised above the entire heaven.
(Priest extends over the elements.)
Father, we offer this perfect sacrifice of our redemption, infinitely worthy and pleasing to Your majesty, we await You to personally consecrate these gifts, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Your infinite tenderness You are eager to make them holy, that they may become The Sacred Body + and Blood + of our Savior + and Redeemer, because it is at Your command that we celebrate these Divine Mysteries of Faith and Truth.
Now, almighty God, I Your humble priest, on behalf of all Your people, impersonate the only eternal High Priest, in Whom You place all Your love, wish to sublimate ourselves and to be removed from Your sight, to be completely lost within our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, so that we may be taken over by Him, while performing this Sacred Consecration.
O Lord, in company with the Blessed Powers of heaven, I do now, for myself and all the people, cry aloud and give You praise: Holy are You, all Holy You, and Your only begotten Son, and Your Holy Spirit: Holy and all Holy and Majestic is Your glory. Who so loved Your world that You gave Your only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Who having come and having fulfilled the whole divine plan concerning us,
Words of Institution
On the night when He was betrayed, He surrendered Himself for the life of the world.
He took bread in His Holy and Immaculate Hands
and when He had given thanks,
and Blessed + + + it,
broke it, and so sanctified it,
He gave it to His Holy Disciples saying:
Take, eat, this is my Body,
which for you is broken,
unto remission of sins.
+ + +
In like manner after supper He took the cup,
Blessed + + + it,
and so sanctified it,
He gave it to His Holy Disciples saying:
Drink of it all of you,
this is my Blood,
that of the New Testament,
which for you and for many
is shed, unto the remission of sins.
Do this in memory of me.
Remembering, therefore, this commandment of salvation and all those things which came to pass; the cross, the grave, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension into heaven, the sitting at the right hand, the second and glorious coming again. Your own, + + + we offer unto You in Behalf of all and for all. We offer unto You this reasonable and unbloodied sacrifice. And we beseech and implore You, and offer our supplications unto You, that You will send Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these (hands extended over gifts) gifts lying here before all Your children on earth.
+ + +
Come Holy Spirit and make this + Bread + the Precious Body + of Your Christ.
Come Holy Spirit and make that which is in + this Chalice + the Precious Blood + of Your Christ.
Come Holy Spirit and transmute + Them by + Your + power.
In celebrating this Holy and complete Sacrifice and His glorious life among us in His Holy Eucharist, until the end of the existing world, we wish to be ready to greet our Lord Jesus when He comes again in all His glory.
Beloved Father, may we offer to You with infinite gratitude this Holy and + living sacrifice + of Calvary, please look with favor on Your church’s offering, for Your only begotten Son has made up super abundantly for all the sins of the world. He has restored our broken friendship with You, our heavenly Father. As we are fed this Sacred Body + and Precious Blood + , may we be filled with His divinity so as to become that same Sacred Body and that same Sacred Soul with our Lord Jesus.
We pray that the Holy Spirit of love will enable us to become an everlasting gift to You, our all-glorious Father, we hope to share the infinite delight in the paradise of eternal love, with our blessed mother, the Virgin Mary, and all the saints and angels on Who’s constant help and friendship we rely.
Beloved Father, because this Majestic Sacrifice is worthy of pleasing You, and has restored Your merciful kindness to the whole world, to every people, and every soul, may the living flames of love, from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, set our souls on fire, that the whole world may be consumed in this devouring flame. Merciful Father, we do believe but please, steadily increase our faith.
We remember in our prayers, the Holy Church of our Lord Jesus, which He cherishes as a bride, as much as His own body, expecting her to be gloriously spotless. We pray especially for our universal Patriarchs, especially for ________________, and all the Bishops and Clergy, and the entire people of Your One, Holy, Orthodox, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which Christ has saved. For all Christians who have born witness to salvation by their very blood in this world with its corruption and evil ways, Your martyrs.
O God remember all who have died in the hope of being raised up to everlasting life, ________. And give them rest where the light of your presence falls. For all those who live a pure and modest way of life. For all those who are especially in need of Your divine mercy. We offer up before You all those who have asked for prayers and those who may not realize their own need.
For all those who have requested prayers for their loved ones, I offer now before Your heavenly throne, ____________.
For all those in authority over us be they Clergy or Secular. For the President of our great Country, __________. Grant them, Lord, to govern in peace so that we too may share their tranquility and live calm and untroubled lives, in all Godliness and honor.
We hope to enjoy forever being in Your presence, in the vision of Your glory, and Your eternal image shining as the stars of the heavens, as many brilliant suns, where we ca praise and love our heavenly Father forever and ever, in the precious and glorious Name of Jesus.
(Priest lifts paten and chalice while saying :)
Heavenly Father, extremely deserving of all our love, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your beloved Son in Whom You are so well pleased. And with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, endless joy be within us, beyond all words, with unspeakable love. And in Jesus, living within our souls, so that we may be transfigured through His divine love, from day to day, into His likeness from splendor to glory, by the powerful working of the Holy Spirit.
(Priest joins his hands and says :)
All praise, honor, adoration, infinite thanksgiving and all possible atonement, world without end, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prompted by the Lord’s teachings and according to His inmost desire, I must not hesitate to enter His loving soul and mingle my voice with the prayer of Jesus, crying out with all my might.
*Our Father, Who art in heaven … but deliver us from evil.
Deliver us, O Lord, from all evil, past present and those to come, for the love of the glorious Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Apostles, and of all the Saints, especially: ___________, and Angels attending these Divine Mysteries, may we be free from sin and safe from all misfortune, as we await the second coming of our Lord and savior, Jesus the Christ.
*For the kingdom, the power, and the Glory are Yours, Father +, Son +, and Holy + Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
The Minor Elevation
(Raises chalice with paten on top)
Look down, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, from Your holy dwelling place, and from the throne of the glory of Your kingdom; and come to sanctify us, O You Who sits on high with the Father, and are here invisibly present with us; and vouches by Your mighty hand to impart unto Your unworthy servant, Your immaculate Body and Blood.
( Breaks the host saying :)
Divided and distributed is the Lamb of God, Who is divided, yet not disunited; Who is ever eaten, yet never consumed, but sanctifies those who partake thereof.
(Taking a piece of the host, blesses the Holy Blood 3x before placing it in the chalice saying :)
The fullness of the cup, of the faith, of the Holy Spirit. Blessed + + + is the fervor of Your saints, always; now and forever. Amen.
(The priest raises the Sacred Elements and prays:)
Major Elevation
Through the grace and mercy and love for Your people of Your + only begotten Son, with whom You are blessed with Your all Holy + and good and life giving Holy Spirit, + now and ever. Amen.
The Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, You Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You Who take away the sins of the world,
grant us peace. (grant them eternal rest.)
Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by the will of the Father and the work of the Holy Spirit, Your death brought life to the world. By Your Holy Body and Blood free us from all our sins, and from every evil, keep us faithful to Your teachings, and never let us be parted from You.
Sweet Virgin Mary, please convey to our souls your ardent love for Jesus, and speak for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, convey to our souls Your burning love for our heavenly Father.
(Priest raises the chalice and host praying :)
This is the Lamb of God, Who purified our souls with the Blood of His Most Sacred Heart. Happy are those who are called to His supper.
Lo, I draw near unto Christ, our immortal king and our God.
Lord I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and my soul shall be readied. You are the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.
The precious and all holy Body + of our Lord and God, Savior Jesus Christ is imparted unto me, the unworthy priest _____, unto remission of my sins and unto everlasting life.
The precious and all holy Blood + of our Lord and God, Savior Jesus Christ is imparted unto me, the unworthy priest ______, unto remission of my sins and unto life everlasting.
Lo, this has touched my lips, (the kiss) and shall take away my iniquities, and purge away all evil from me.
(If someone is present, the priest gives then communion through intinction.)
(A moment is given for personal prayer and meditation in the Holy Spirit.)
Prayer of Oblation
What has passed our lips as food, O Christ, may we greet with a loving heart. It was given to us for our healing and for eternity. Your Body, dear Lord, we have eaten, and Your Blood we have drunk, may it penetrate our soul and body, leaving no trace of sin, while we have been restored by this holy refreshment, the Divine Mysteries for the love of Jesus, world without end. Amen.
I have been blessed by the Lord through the creation of the heavens, the earth, the seas and all that they contain. For wherever we look around us we are continually reminded of His love for us.
*Let us go out this day and sing His praise. Let us be worthy to appreciate all the good things He bestows upon us. Bless ub always that in appreciation for all the wonders You have given us, O Lord, we may learn to appreciate and love the beauty of each other. Amen.
Glory to You, O God our hope, glory to You. May Christ our true God, Who rose from the dead, have mercy on us, through the intercession of His most pure and holy Mother; through the power of the precious and life giving Cross; the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner St. John the Baptist; of the holy, glorious and most honored Apostles; of the holy, glorious and victorious Martyrs of today and yesteryear; and all the saints, may Christ save us all. Amen.
Now, may I we go and live with Jesus, may His Sacred Heart leap with joy while abiding within us.
May the Holy Trinity, One God, Indivisible, Bless us, in the Name of the Father +, and of the Son +, and of the Holy + Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
Let us go, worshipping and adoring the God Who has saved us and bring His love and peace to all people. Amen.